
Ah, the things people do to make their computers more attractive. This wouldn't even be difficult to make into an extension, it is very similar to say speed dial, just better looking.

This is the exact story I went through with Brink. Except despite over analyzing it to the extreme, reading every review possible, watching every video, livestream, I still went out and bought the game because I had hope.

It's in the article (don't know if you missed it or it was updated). 5683 spells love.

That's very true. I think my next step will be setting up a fake email just for things like this. It's a security practice I should already do, but hey, it never hurts to start.

Well we just don't know that. It's weapons. Those weapons can change the gameplay, a skin can not. We'll have to wait and see, but think of it like giving everyone who pre-orders CoD the Famas, and no one else can get it otherwise. That would ruin the experience for a lot of people, and ultimately just make it a bad

But did you read what this CRAP is? It's weapons, weapon mods and maps. Something that no one else in the game will possess unless you preorder, putting those at an advantage above everyone else. There's a big difference in a pre-order camo for a gun and a gun itself.

That's not what I'm saying (I'm assuming this is your reply to me). They showed cross platform games to attract the hardcore gamer market. Of course there will be exclusives, but those don't matter.

Yeah, that's great and all for the PC. I'm talking consoles though. I would rarely worry about length of game and such for PC games since the community generally adds a ton of content when possible. Consoles on the other hand, rely solely on id for something extra.

You're missing the point. Selling a console to people who are fans of that console's exclusives is easy. They'll always buy an Xbox for Halo, PS3 for Uncharted, and a Wii for Zelda (summarizing). That's sales that they will get almost regardless of the console.

More time to add an FPS MP instead of just one in cars? I hope so, otherwise I don't know if I want to spend $60 on a 15hr campaign. The game looks amazing though.

I think it's obvious the criticism comes from that fact that they failed to excite people about their new console for the next 5 years (unlike the Wii launch). Honestly, nothing about that console seemed appealing to me. It's a neat idea, much like Kinect (which I think brings infinitely more ideas), but I have no

Good. That's exactly what I want people to think when they see my 15th prestige. Black Ops was the most fun I've had in the CoD series. Maybe because I took nothing seriously the entire time I played. The wager matches are also hilarious to play with friends.

Just out of curiosity, knowing that it only supports one new controller, do you still believe it's taking coop gaming to the next level?

Yeah essentially. Same goes for the PS3 and Move. Though Kinect is something entirely different in my opinion, it's their bridge to the casual market now, but it's a bridge to the future of gaming for everyone.

Correct me if I'm wrong here (I have no idea about the codes), but you seemed to imply that you are given a code that's specific only to you and it isn't visible to anyone but you. So in reality you have to give it to people so that they can enter it to be your friend.

Well I think that's the point. It's for the hardcore crowd, which they have little to no traction with right now. They made a specific point that they ignored that core gaming group, the hardcore group that buys year in and year out new games, accessories, etc. They want a piece of that market because they learned

I wouldn't call it a failure by any means, but it certainly wasn't as long lasting as the PS3/360. It dodged the hardcore gaming market entirely, and pushed away third party developers. It didn't have the ability to generate a large online community.

Exactly. Plus look at the online communities. The Wii currently lags way behind, and a year from now it will only be even farther behind. It's going to be hard to get a strong community going online. That's a big role of modern games, and why XBL/PSN are vital parts to why these consoles have been successful.

"so what third parties will do is start making games for sony and microsofts consoles, and then doing something different for nintendos.. kind of like they do for the wii. "

The point is, those exclusive features will only be apart of their exclusive titles. People are buying Wii's because of either their exclusive titles or the approachability and family fun. The Wii U is essentially just more of that in a new console (except 1 person is having all the fun with the dual screens while the