
Doesn’t look like Jennifer Connelly. Does look like a girl I knew once named ellen, though. Good cosplay of her?

I think it worked? I got notifications for all my old posts.

how do i tell if im a gray or not!

How do I sort comments?! And when will the legacy AVClub account stuff show up or is it already up and I’m lost?!

Right, but that's not the point of contention - it's that the show is absent any religiosity on the part of its characters aside from the High Sparrow. Everyone has a very secular or materialistic view of the world, whereas even a politically-minded person in the actual Middle Ages, aside from noted disbelievers

It's the same in the books. There's a fairly popular rant by a Medievalist somewhere on the internet where he/she takes issue with the common refrain that ASoIaF/GoT depicts something resembling the actual Middle Ages, and the Medievalist's chief complaint is the agnosticism/secularist outlook of the characters as

Book Shaggydog better get to eat Ramsay as vengeance.

I liked the fights in Daredevil more. But, I suppose, neither Jessica or Cage know kung-fu.

Small scale super-villains are always my favorite. There's a reason Yoshikage Kira is the best villain in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

In the book, that was resolved within the same chapter, iirc. It was just some random murder. Mr. Honeyfoot tried to get the bones dug up, the Church refused, and the case was dismissed because statues can't give legal testimony or something along those lines.

"Given that Stannis’ storyline has been spoiled, do you think you’d skim through those chapters (however they manifest) once The Winds Of Winter is released?"

The Stonemen aren't supernatural, and they're along a major trade root because it's an intentional leper colony.

Nah, I'm sure the real Gus is busy running his intergalactic fried chicken business.

An A?

Well, apparently the Futurama cross-over is meant to be a Terminator parody. We can only hope that it consists of Bender successfully killing Bart and the rest in the opening moments, and the rest of the episode is a Futurama episode dealing with the fallout of altering the past.

An Adult Swim bumper once implied Nick was unwilling to part with the Invader Zim rights, so I doubt they'd be willing to part with the much more lucrative Avatar IP.

Tyrion's whole arc through ADwD is meant to be him turning completely into Tywin. He's utterly broken and as he slowly rebuilds his psyche, he becomes far more cynical and cold-hearted than he was previously. They could dump the whole burden of his mental breakdown onto his murder of Shae, but in the books, it was

Varys takes up mumming once more and replace Penny in Tyrion's circus act.

I can't wait until Brienne becomes a general, gets captured by the Burgundians and then burnt to death by the English.

2/3 of those characters don't exist in the show. The Kettleblacks could easily be cut, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're added next season. There's a thousand ways and one to have Jaime discover Cersei's infidelities. Larger problem is that Tyrion and Jaime's relationship is still intact, at least on Tyrion's