
When exactly did the Thunderbird stop being a rival to the Corvette? Being a child of the 90s, I mostly remember the Thunderbird as a bland, uninspiring, Taurus-looking “personal luxury coupe” that couldn’t hold a candle to the Corvette, which was a legit sports car. Looking back, it appears that it was around the

Tesla’s stock is a bubble, but that doesn’t mean that the company isn’t around for the long haul.

Great...I can finally get that electric car that burns oil I have been dreaming about. 

A 249-mile range with an extender is going to go over like a lead balloon. That’s about the minimum viable range for a pure electric over here, unless you’re trying to sell a city car (something else that Americans don’t buy) which this clearly isn’t. If you need to burn gas to do it, why even fucking bother? It’s the

One recent example is in Virginia, where the General Assembly in Roanoke County outlawed any driver’s handling of smartphones. Drivers will be subject to fines if caught with a smartphone in their hands.


Ralph won’t be happy until we are all equally miserable living in a commune together.

Sadly I suspect Norway has fewer miles of roads than Nebraska as well. But don’t fret too much, they took 30 years to tax the crap out of everyone to pay for their ev Utopia.

He’s talking about the Home page. You, like I imagine many of us, use the Latest page to keep current on the articles.

Because people are obsessed with life hacking, and if their car is driving them around, they can read books written by billionaires about how if they wake up early and meditate they too can become billionares.  Or they will just surf Facebook and play Candy Crush.

I love high quality audio. But after seeing bands like this live and hanging on the monitors all I need is something loud enough to overcome the Tinnitus.

Somebody should have asked Santa for a new display.

Don’t kink-shame.

LeMons car to make a crappy knock-off of the Super Touring Stratus, which has to have been done before by this point in time, but still.

My wife drives like Sabine...without the talent.

Thunder thunder Thundercats!

Yeah, that’s about how long it took most Alliances to implode...

Jalopnik: Drive free or die.

Raphael is very much in that latter category. It’s one thing to see the necessity of taxes to fund government services and infrastructure. While I might not agree with it, I can even understand the point of people who want to expand the role of the government. Raphael is on another level though. He’s actively vocal

Some people see others with more than them and strive to be like them.