Great front to back, but when Mr. Music showed up, it went to a whole new level.
Great front to back, but when Mr. Music showed up, it went to a whole new level.
But why would they remove Cavill’s moustache, when he’s playing the famously mustachioed Geraldo Rivera? It makes no sense!
Maybe I’m just an old man yelling at clouds, but can we really consider all of these unitard spiderman costumes with a mask ‘cosplay’? I feel like we’re stretching some of the limits here with some of the designs as to what is an actual concerted effort at costume design, and what is just “I bought this as a Spirit…
But it comes with a free Frogurt!
Unfortunately, it too is cursed.
I am a huge fan of the orange bucket from Home Depot. Once you buy one you find hundred of uses for them. Highly recommended.
Everyone’s an armchair assassin.
Baja Blast Mountain Dew. That was my biggest pop culture disappointment. It’s sold at Taco Bell, so let’s sell it in stores now! Ugh.
You’d think one of her psychic friends could have told her how that sort of comment would go over...
There are also crows. I came across a whole group of them in a circle pecking at the ground a couple of days ago.
Don’t forget his hilarious turn as a phony psychic on Leverage! I love his older roles, where he really branched out to show off his character acting skills. He deserved so much better than this.
You know what, I am just gonna say what we ARE all thinking here people! I DO like a Pat Benatar ditty! And I am not ashamed.
I’m always glad to see Hardison doing well. It’s the age of the geek!
That’s cold, Jay.
*Pbbt!* That’s nothing! I fell off a 7-Eleven counter with a guy who I’m pretty sure was Meat Loaf.
They’re called Massholes for a reason.
This is my favorite answer