
I yell "CAKE IS POISON" all the time though. Mostly to keep people from eating my cake.

It is bound to happen.

I wouldn't be surprised if you win.

Can Opener. Basic PS I know.

I will find you and I will show you my horrible phone case!

Yes! Dossants! I love it!

Gosh darn it, I was going to say something similar! Oh well. Good job on getting there first :)

I am giggling like a maniac at your comment, that is a 100% PERFECT & spot-on observation. Things will always go pretty great for Rich Barbie.

Psht, call me when turkin' makes a comeback..

I think that might have been a Washington Post Peep Diorama at one point.

Laughed so hard I peed a bit. Thanks.

Not Without My Chicken.

You are consistently fantastic. I just want you to know that.

Meryl Peep. I LOVE it.

I loved this book so much as a kid! I even had a big black and white lop that I named Bunnicula :) RIP

If he thinks this is funny, wait until he sees what we put inside his shoes.

"Must go faster."


Final Fantasy doesn't want to be fed! He wants to hunt. Can't just suppress 27 years of gut instinct!