I was mesmerized watching her carry all those jars of pickles. I would love to know how many takes that ending took.
I was mesmerized watching her carry all those jars of pickles. I would love to know how many takes that ending took.
This will be my new fuck you phrase.
I kind of want to use, "excuse me, I'm wearing Dior," on a regular basis now as a comeback... especially because I have never worn Dior.
Topical. Like it!
Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.
Nobody puts Baby on the floor.
But! Does he sell monogrammed coffee thermoses?
Plus, she has already won the next eight years worth of Oscars for playing them.
I beleive that. I so beleive she is that good. Mr. Depp can stay at home.
Seriously! I was so surprised by succotash. #quahog is much more popular among my friends here in lil' Rhody.
AAAAHHH. I was away from my fur children for two days in NYC. I had a great time but leaving them in the care of someone was stressful. I had occasional irrational thoughts about not getting back to them or something happening to them while I was away. It's probably a good thing that I don't have children. I had a…
"No. No they're NOT all gonna laugh at you!"
#stuffies. There is a brunch spot in Providence called Succotash, I'm pretty sure that's why RI got such a bizarre result.
Agreed. Maybe everyone was just upset by how the new restaurant Succotash... well, sucks?
I've always wanted to eat succotash just because of Sylvester.
Ohhh fuck this made me laugh quite heartily indeed!!
Lots of holes in that cheese.