
KFC: Killer Flying Cakes.

I knew that PhD in Early 20th Century Russian Dairy Products would come in handy some time.

My favorite Russian cheese is a nice Tsarmigiano-Romanov blend. Unfortunately, they don't make it any more.

If I had to guess I'd say something from U2's new album...

You've Been Pooping All Wrong

They could've been dyslexic fruit enthusiasts.

Joan Rivers' doctor says she did not take a selfie while the comedian was under anesthesia.

It tends to wrap it's droppings in webbing and hang them from inconvenient places. With eight legs scratching posts don't last very long.

I want there to be a Double Down-style sandwich where it's eggs, bacon and cheese between two sausage patties. I'm gonna go copyright that so I can be rich.

But this shit is creepy as fuck. You cross a tarantula with clowns/parties and you get an even creepier tarantula.

Ahhh, a red snapper. Mmmmm, very tasty. You can hold on to your red snapper or you can go for what's in the box. This customer should have picked the box.

Interesting. I would have guessed 700 was the age of all his opinions.

It looks like a Persian cat with a black nose. I'd rather have the cat.

Sparkling non-alcoholic wine? In America we call that grape soda.

Rhode Island: Clear clam chowder. I like it better than any other type of clam chowder. I scoff at cream and tomato sauce based chowders! Scoff I say!

I still have one of those GBA SPs. I like it.

"Anything crunchy I am allergic to."

Curiosity is not advertising Destiny.

Your doppelgänger is the only animal that poops out 90-degree angles! That's right, wombat poop is square.