
Clearly they're doing an all-cat production of The Prestige. Except without all the drowning.

That one kitten is all "Don't touch me! Stranger danger! STRANGER DANGER!" Unfortunately for the kitten, but fortunately for us, it only comes out as adorable mewing.

Shocker: they're pretty sure Lang was drunk the whole time.

There's already Halloween candy in the Stop & Shop near me. Candy corn can't be that popular.

> y

Now I'm imagining robot pickup lines.

This seems illegal. Aren't there laws against marrying blood relatives? She may be too closely related to herself to get married to herself.

We have to clean up all the sharks that landed during these sharknados we've been having somehow.

When I was younger I would sit in front of the finish line with a green shell waiting to shoot it at the next person to drive up.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of cat GIFs suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Almost everything about this list is wrong. You should not be allowed near fruit ever again. Your picture should be posted in every produce section and farmer's market. No fruit for you!

Sometimes I sing along to songs on the radio by only meowing.

Baja Blast is awful and nothing like Mountain Dew. No matter what the label might say.

Inscrutability is the new black.

"I call dingo!" is my new favorite phrase.

@#!$% *&#%?

Disney Princesses As Cthulhu Gods Will Madden You!


Bah, kids these days. When I was young, the NES was 256 x 240 pixels and we liked it!