
Yeah, thats not how that works, at all.  Unvax people don’t cause mutations and spreading.  The majority of covid spread is currently via fully vaxed breakthrough cases.  Take a deep breath and try to stop hating other humans.

Erin wants you to ignore looters because they might be down on their luck and probably need the things they’re looting though.

If your party’s secretary is in a room with 99 unvaccinated activist and one is allowed to remain while carrying a Nazi flag, you now have a room with 100 Nazis.

I mean is driving around honking breaking the law?  Is protesting breaking the law?  I dont know how Canada laws work but on its face its a very annoying protest from a bunch of people that will be out of work soon anyways.  

Hi. Me again. Just a few clarifications for those not from Canada.

Fumbling with paper maps and printed directions. It’s incredible to think how systems like CarPlay have made that whole process a trivial 1-sentence request.

I really need to remember this....because you’re right.

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

So the owner is an idiot who didn’t do the maintenance he was supposed to and is lamely trying to get public sympathy in the hopes he’ll get a new engine out of it.

Im vaxxed, still wear a mask, and 100% believe COVID is deadly.

The science said we needed 70% vaccinated to get herd immunity and we are there in the USA. Where did Omicron originate? Where did Delta originate? Where are the newest variants originated from? All are highly contagious even among the fully vaccinated (and boosted) and cause sickness and death. What measures are in

The FDA still does not have enough evidence to claim the virus reduces transmission, and to this day still don’t. This was mis-information by mass media and the state and that is why it’s still in your head and your arguing about it on the internet. This was Rachel Maddow telling you that if everyone got vaccinated we

If people had actually gotten vaccinated when the shot was made available, the variants may never have happened at all.”

Corona viruses are the common cold. They will mutate faster than we will ever be able to vaccine up. Every one of the variants has started outside the USA. The borders are more open than ever. Even at 100% vaccination in the USA Omicron would still be spreading all over. Beyond that over the last few years we have

Yup, I fully expected it.

You’re absolutely correct. The reason you’re getting roasted is that this site (and all of its sister sites) are far-left propaganda machines.

This is “popular”?

Why does it look like an unfinished Wii game?

Fuck your auto-playing video ads Kotaku, which still blasted on full volume despite me hitting mute. 

If you die in the metaverse, do you die in real life?