
Could you imagine if Elon was a normal boring robot, Jalopnik would cease to exist in a week.

Four of the maps - Streets, Bazaar, Live Fire and Aquarius - are nearly identical in their layout with minimal changes, most of which are cosmetic. It’s lazy, uninteresting, and doesn’t feel like Halo. Behemoth actually feels like a traditional Halo map.

Lmfao, this is the best map. I can’t stand most of the new maps. They’re trash. Someone at 343 decided to follow the Treyarch 3-lane method for map building and we’re all worse off for it.

They thought it would work. They promised the customer a monthly payment that was silly and instead of being a human they became scum thinking they could trick people. To this day I hate dealerships.

“I just leave the income section blank!”

That remains one of the most idiotic things I’ve read on this site, which employs writers who actively hate cars.

I maybe should have included a sarcasm tag. I was dunking on the author for her abysmal take on a different recent article.

I assume then that carjacking someone in a wealthy neighborhood and using said car to rob high end clothing stores is also an understandable response to income inequality?

I have ‘Good’ credit and this is what happened: I agreed to buy a used car and had sub 2% financing approved by my credit union. I did not have a check in hand, because that’s not how my CU does it. To leave the lot with the car I signed a loan agreement with the dealer at a 10% interest rate with no penalty if paid

But wasn’t it you that said the looters are just down on their luck and it’s ok?

I don’t feel sorry for the looters. Fuck them. Theft is theft. They are fucking over consumers.

It should be.

Comments on this one should be fun.

Back before the concept new Challenger was announced, I had a conversation with Ralph Gilles, then Dodge head stylist, over Dodge’s idiocy of the new 4-door Charger and how it had zero styling cues from the classic 2nd gen Charger. (Fixed from the 2nd gen 4-door Charger on.) After we got done at most staying civil to

The design is rather iconic, if nobody has noticed.  And seems to be aging just fine. 

I always thought the Challenger was the best looking of the three Pony cars

That was just about as useful as Windows’ troubleshooting wizards. Has *anyone* actually ever had a solution come from using those diagnostics tools? I certainly haven’t.

Just more evidence that Facebook is a pointless waste of time.

hang on $1200 for an i5 and 8gb? ive seen systems with an i7 and 16gb come in for that sort of money (well over there in the US anyway, not so much in the UK)

Can I be worried about all 3 options?