
Oh so protesting is a crime now? Are you only allowed to protest when the government says it’s okay?

You have two options:

If I ever wanted to see controversial, this is that comment.

Whether you agree with the reasons, it seems like a massive overstep to permanently seize personal vehicles of people protesting.

This is a clear cut case of civil forfeiture, and nothing to do with emergency powers or executive orders.  And frankly, if BLM were doing the same thing, would you be supporting it?

Is that really a second generation?  I was always under the impression that the changes they made were more of a mid-cycle refresh, similar to what Ford did with the Mustang in 2018 (revised engine, slightly different bumper, probably some other details).

I think if the party and cause affiliations were reversed, people would be screaming in protest.

How did you find a picture of one that has its clear coat and paint intact?

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

I agree with you on the FRS/BRZ, the first gen was also better looking and only got uglier with each update/refresh. The performance my have taken a baby step forward, but the appearance took a step backwards.

In terms of style, I would chose the Ford Fusion when they switched to to Aston Martin front end.

Talk about an easy call. Coming from the slapdash 1st gen fastback Charger to the classic 2nd gen—talk about hitting one out of the ballpark:

Easily, the Dodge Charger. It went from a kind of awkward looking and expensive Coronet that didn’t sell well to the greatest looking American car of all time that way out sold Dodge’s expectations.

People are going to argue with me on this, but the MX5/Miata. The NB is better than the NA, popups be damned. Better brakes, better suspension geometry, better limited slip rear end, more power.

Great call - so understated - and underrated.

You want to travel in comfort? Get yourself a car that has a long wheelbase—the Chrysler 300:

I get that totally. I can understand the be left alone mentality. The problem is I used to be very proud to be an American but not so much anymore. I keep thinking that stuff can be fixed but the congress is so broken that I have very little faith it can be done. I recognize the need for taxes though. Can’t  have

It really doesn’t have much to do with government control. It is completely about unrestrained capitalism, corporate power and the manipulation of advertisements.

Love how they say aggregate websites are bullshit but that is the entire point of this article is summarizing other reviews.