Heerrrooo Yui

I only hope Trump’s impeachment hearings go as well as Crono’s trial.

Lavos did have some funky colored skin...

Maybe he’s not a Trump supporter, and by naming things after Chrono Trigger, he’s just saying he wishes time travel were possible so that we could go back and prevent Trump from being elected. No? ...Okay.

“Shinra is full of malarkey!”

And now I hate it.

I love everything about these except Cloud’s hair.

“Oh goshdarnit!”

Really, if Bioware was thinking progressively, there would be no labels at all, because hopefully (in an optimistic future) humanity was beyond all that primitive shit. There would be no “gay” or “straight” or “trans”, they’d all just be people doing people, just like people do. This is a concept that seems to escape

Finally! My trolling skills can now be used as a weapon.

Bungie screwed up pretty hardcore with its gear balancing in the Vanilla. Once the first expansion dropped people were still using the godly raid weapons to clear the endgame content.

Destiny 2 will offer a clean break for everyone, leaving behind all of our old weapons and gear.”

To be fair, Microsoft has been doing the same thing much longer.

A new system came out three weeks ago. People’s wallets are still recovering.

Plus this is just the first week, Monster Hunter is an evergreen franchise in Japan, meaning this thing will still quite easily break 1 million copies.

Kids did better on the swings

Technically the best place to hide is to run outside, bend over, spread your buttcheeks and have them say “TIME FOR A TAN!!!!”. Then get vaporized. Or if you have like 20 seconds before the blast hits because your a bit farther, do a livefeed on facebook so people can see awesome footage BUT REMEMBER, have your phone