Heerrrooo Yui

This game is not brilliant, in fact, its kinda shitty. The writting is prety good, but the gameplay tries too hard and not enough at the same time. It tries to have the rock paper scissor battle system of pokemon, but most attacks either do the same thing as others and/or have lackluster animations and the like. Play

I was so interested in this game, watch dogs and the crew when I first saw them. Those games at the time felt like next gen was going to be amazing. now that theyre here its just...ehh...

ok, which shows has the fanservice and smut?

lol no thanks.

I loved this game but it traumatized me once for like a month. I was exploring some random area and had my guard down when all of a sudden I turned and was facing some chimera Lion beast monster that devoured my simple ass and it was completely out of nowhere. Couldnt play the game again for a month. Good times, I


I can’t wait for this company to go belly up. And I really hope it does.

Destiny has been a Fucking Mess ever since it launched.

Someday UFC fans are going to wake up and come to the conclusion that their sport is as rigged and set up as the WWE. Dana White has been using the same tactics Vince did back when wrestling was the shit.

Blockbusters that haven't busted any blocks yet. Didn't you run an article about stop preordering games?

Blockbusters that haven't busted any blocks yet. Didn't you run an article about stop preordering games?

No matter how disappointing you keep saying Fallout 4 is, Its no where as disappointing as how petty it is to constantly bash a game for whatever behind the scenes politics is going on right now. I hate to say how much this site has went to shite, but its becoming as bad as other for hire gaming sites with the fake

honestly, maybe 70 or 80 percent, the other games i dont bother finishing or getting through all they way, if i really like a game and there is a console version I will usually buy the console version for the achievements/gamer score. For example I “sampled’ Wasteland 2 and Divinity and loved them both so when the

I just got super interested in this game til I heard its not finished and now this nerf turns the game into more of a grind. Why cant we have nice things?

I cant wait til this whole VR thing goes the way of 3D in telivisions or the HD-DVD

Im not worried. As someone who pirates anything i please and buy what i feel deserves my money, there is always another way past these countermeasures against piracy.

Ok, Ok I yield. Im going to play this game tonight and see what the fuss is all about.

I wish they will come to their senses and scrap Fable Legends, the game looks like a piece (not artwise) they already leaked the microtransaction gold bullshit. The previous games may have let down some but Ive always liked them.

Man, This Fallout 4 bashing is ridiculous, but I see you still hold Destiny up on a pedestal. The rest of the list is spot on, with the exception of transformers, as it was an okay game.

And here we go.

they do. The black series Kylo Ren Lightsaber is pretty awesome and nigh impossible to find on the shelves. they retail for 200 but ive seen people scalp them over the holiday for 350+