Heerrrooo Yui

Another thing to mention is that it seems that outside of the big companies like Square and Capcom, it seems that the transition from ps2 to ps3, a lot of japanese devs had a hard time making games that took advantage of the hardware, some games looking like ps2 quality games and took them a lot longer to even make

I didn't like Man Of Steel whatsoever, I hope the new games aren't as half baked as the movie.

The more I hear about pokemon X/Y, it's one of the first pokemon games that really shakes up the dynamics in a long time. Can't wait to throw hundreds of hours into these gsmes. At least til ps4 releases.

Dear God....going by the other square enix trolling countdown clocks, this might point to another mobile game.

the shadow version of it goes for some real bank, even if its not the shadowless version, check out ebay, they still go for about 3o+ bucks.

They canceled legends 3. 2 was on playstation, but everything else you said was dead on.

Beck for the new Smash Bros, and let the two collide!

Yes every time I mega evolve my pokemon I will exclaim Let's Rocket.

My feelings on PSO2 issues right now. At least they have the game to have issues about, its ridiculous they havent even said anything about the english version of the game all year.

I hope this game takes off and maybe we get an action rpg hybrid of the game Mighty No. 9 Legen- I mean Saga.

Unrivaled multiplayer gaming? Silly Microsoft, you seem to think this is the Xbox 360 circa 2005.

Dear Andsy, Come back when you have a comment that isn't completely stupid.

Stephen, this is for the 3DS not iOS.

Say what you will about Lost Planet 2, me and my friends had a blast with that game. Incredibly boring on its own, with three other players we had fun unlocking the different things and beating the game a few times.

Every time. Every time a GTA game is about to come out, a story like this pops up. Fuck the fact that a gun was laying around, fuck the fact the boy shouldn't have been playing the M rated game, and fuck the fact that millions of people play these games all over the world, I never got the urge to shoot a grandmother.

Me and my friends are prolly the only ones who had a blast playing lost planet 2 together. What was really wrong with that game? It wasn't GOTY but as a multiplayer game it was pretty fun.

Sony to Microsoft. Ever kicking Microsoft when they are down.

so let me get this straight:

To everyone not liking this news, the last time people thought someone didnt seem to fit the role would like to say hello