
To be fair, the evidence you’re citing would also be the output of that process.

Dude’s a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu who does a lot of MMA training (his family owns an MMA company) and while I’m reasonably certain he wouldn’t use that on someone for making that crack I’m not going to take any chances.

Yes. It’s refreshing to hear this and not some terrible tale of another child actor chewed up and spit out by the industry. I’m glad he kept that sense of perspective.

Lipnicki said that he started taking acting classes and “really studying it” after high school, and he started doing theater as a way to work with more actors and really get into acting. These days he’s back in the business, doing what he can when he can. He told /Film that he has a “great relationship” with his past

Realizing reading this what defines sexual assault, my god, how many times have I experienced some form of this.

I think like a lot of the GQP mythology, this Soros obsession started as a humble acorn that thanks to gallons of incel flop sweat, grew into the mighty insane oak tree that we see today LOL. he’s a rich guy (and I think a JEW, shhhh) who has supported progressive causes and doesn’t give many if any interviews, so of

Well, it has its modern roots in the late 19th century and anti-Semitic conspiracies concerning international/globalist” cabals of Jewish financiers/bankers undermining the nation (Jews were “nationless”) and disrupting traditional patterns of life for their own destructive ends. Conservatives blamed the Jews for the

Ah, yes. Judging a show that ran for 130+ episodes on a few minutes seems like valid criticism. 

The set up of the joke is about the indignity black actors of that era having to endure bullshit like that just to find work.

Joke-for-joke, 30 Rock might be the closest we’ve gotten to a live action cartoon. I know there are nits to pick but I don’t care. On the whole it’s still a great achievement.

It is easily one of the best ensemble sitcoms of all time.  

30 Rock had “glaring faults”? There are probably a few nits you can pick here and there, but I recently re-watched a few early seasons, and it’s still one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.

Didn’t he and Grimes claim their daughter has the name “Sideræl” as a “more Elven” spelling of “sidereal” and is meant to be a nod to the name Galadriel? Total nonsense (dare I say, “Nevbosh”?). Tolkien’s Elvish doesn’t use that “æ” character, and if you’re aiming for a nod to Galadriel, then just spell it “Sideriel.”

The irony is that the show downplays just how perfect Tolkien portrayed Galadriel as. Tolkien’s Galadriel was instantly great at everything she did, physical or otherwise. She always overshadowed her husband by a mile. Almost everyone was at her beck and call, and those who didn’t believe her or follow her advice were

I laughed my head off over people complaining that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was too ‘woke’.

Dude! Have you ever SEEN Star Trek?

“I think societal collapse is in the air—it smells like it

I’m glad your comment got published. Now everyone knows you’re unhinged. 

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

One reason they did that song was because Leonard Cohen died the week of the election. 

“Hmmm, my entire career has been based on Adam Sandler’s charity, and that well is only so deep these days, and I’m getting older and taking way less calls than the few I used to get... what can I do here? I know, I’ll go full MAGA pundit, claim that I’m being canceled for my perfectly normal and mainstream views, and