It came way too close to being a reality.
It came way too close to being a reality.
Those are typical business suits for dragon-oriented royals in pretend times. I see no issue.
Yeah, she’s gotten a bit better but she’s never been a more than passable sketch comedian. She still smiles too much, sounds the same, acts the same in every sketch.
It is so rare these days to actually LOL at anything. Thanks for that.
I’ve seen this (delightful) gif a dozen times if I’ve seen it once but I’m getting old and my brain is going ... Grizzly Adams, or Robert Redford?
It’s not like Diana Wynne Jones languished in obscurity (one of her books became a Studio Ghibli movie!!!) but I wish more people would read Witch Week: for me, always and forever the best YA book about a magical boarding school.
It was a Force Ghost (that’s from Star Trek, right?)
The Heart Done Called Lori Loughlin, that’s why she’s coming back.
Wow, I didn’t even think about his Putin!!!!! They’ll have to bring him back for that in future. Nobody else can do it.
Alas Beck without Mooney=awesome, Mooney without Beck=no thanks.
I hope so, he’s the best. I want to keep seeing him in stuff.
Except in Lake Wobegon.
I don’t think it has anything to do with eugenics, but it’s an unnecessary dig, for sure.
I am more than happy to suspend disbelief on the two-day versus one-day thing.
That’s really weird that she would do that. I read the book, and the mean-spirited stuff about the critic stuck out like a sore thumb (even more so now it seems she had someone specific in mind). Same with JK Rowling’s brutal treatment of aspiring writers in one of her detective novels. It’s like, you’re wildly…
Truly the jewel in life’s crown.
A famous example was an SAT question that incorporated the word “regatta.” If you happened to be an upper middle class WASP you’d probably know that word. If you came from a different background you might answer the question incorrectly because of it. That’s only one example but I guarantee there were others.
I have nothing against Kenny G as a person, but I clicked on the link for “Going Home,” and as soon as the ad ended and the music started I started to feel near-rage-level irritation. I think it’s because what he plays is essentially elevator music that is or certainly was piped into places like the dentist’s office…
I never thought about that but you’re totally right. It’s just layers of different dude perspectives to get to the kernel of what, as AmaltheaElanor points out, is a very passive female character. I still love parts of that movie, especially Inigo Montoya, but it definitely promoted the then-prevalent idea that the…
I can’t somehow see them promoting the new season by addressing the allegations against Horatio Sanz.