
He’s promoting a book full of celebrity anecdotes, I’d attribute it more to that than to burying the Franco/Yi thing, although two birds, probably.

For contrast, see OJ Simpson in the Naked Gun movies. Calling his character “Nordberg” and having him just constantly getting beat up and falling downstairs, etc.—hilarious, right? (/s)

And now people are getting shot in Times Square.  I don’t like to go there myself but we need tourists, for heaven’s sake.

That sums it up. What a bummer. (Fwiw, I loved the Derry part in the book but I can definitely understand streamlining it out in an adaptation.)

Oh no!! I loved that book too and vaguely recalled there had been an adaptation, but forgot/didn’t know Franco was involved. Was planning on watching it at some point, but now I don’t think so. I cannot imagine him in that part (the book protagonist’s strongest characteristic was that he was likeable).

Feelings certainly seem to arise in a certain sector of the commentariat when a (not Weinstein level!! love that that’s our yardstick) guy gets called out for being a sex pest.

Include Marvel as well. Just wipe the slate clean and wait a while, let’s say ten years with 100% fewer billionaire-in-robot-suit-as-secular-Jesuses in the culture, see what happens.


She was adorable and charismatic in Bachelor Party.  She had a really great smile.

I remember thinking at the time it was an extraordinary movie for how it evoked the sensory experiences of giddy youthfulness. But that very sensory intensity overwhelmed, to my mind, whatever Coppola might have been trying to say about how Marie Antoinette was being exploited or misunderstood. I’d rank it higher, as

Fair enough, it’s been a solid couple decades since I read it, to be honest. The white character that stuck in my mind was Simon Legree (bad).

Also I wish he had kept his shirt on.

But it was different in the Middle Ages.  Live fast, die nun.

Let the dead-horse-beating begin!

But I don’t think that’s the point the author was making. I agree with you about compartmentalization, but I think it’s almost a given—there are few people who walk around with a black hat and steam coming out of their ears because they are so unremittingly evil. Everyone has sides.

Semantics. Imho, people who are brutal to one group are inhumane, no matter how well they treat people they consider their equals.

Over 45 = old enough to get that reference, but not to lose all critical faculties, ffs.

“Some kind of pizza demon”

Have you ever noticed that if you take “et” out of “fetish” you get “fish”?

Ugh that was the worst: “your names are funny! laugh good-naturedly!