
Fuck.  That.

Acting is a tough gig even when you have moderate success so it’s nice that actors are starting to get some extra money and attention making these podcasts about beloved shows.

I’ve become a fan of the podcast, but here’s my concern: when has a new variety show ever worked out the past 25 years?  I feel like it’s been tried multiple times and nobody but nobody wants to watch (I wouldn’t).  

They should cast Joe Pantoliano as a Christ figure one of these days just to balance things out a little.

I don’t know if you were going for “women guys” or “women, guys,” but I really enjoyed when I thought it was the former.

There were some sweaters in the ‘80s, but that one is absolutely dazzling.  I can see space and time collapsing into it.

Oh my Lord and Taylor please read more history—fine if you don’t like the 1619 Project, but please don’t just read books/articles targeted at conservatives. Read primary sources, and lots of them. That’s not a biased argument, right? Just read lots and lots of primary sources.

Yep, Russian in the book and apparently also the trailer.

That’s interesting, and I get what you’re saying. I find it less problematic—but yes, more excruciating—from that standpoint.

I believe you, and I too have been involved in something similar (probably most of us have by the time we’re out of the dating woods), but ... look. The gorgeous ‘50's-movie-style Italian woman being painfully conflicted by her attraction to Ansari—I’m not saying it’s impossible in real life, ‘cause what do I know, but

Totally agree about the Francesca storyline!  Grotesque wish-fulfillment fantasy.  

I read the book and this is a great, great part for Kidman, I’m excited to watch her in this and that hasn’t been the case for quite a while.  

Ugh so true. “Of course the only Black characters in Game of Thrones were servants. In that time that’s how it would have been ....” Oh yeah? That time in Westeros, a made-up place?

I really don’t think he could pull off this particular role.  

I agree 100% there should be a host. However, while I only watched part of it and probably am not the best judge, but I actually liked it better than recent years’ shows. They had started to feel so over-produced and desperate, with ever-crazier sets and programmatic bloat. This felt like watching a not-very-carefully

At least she’s an experienced performer and recording artist. Musk is “I am ultrarich and famous and I’ve decided I want to host SNL. Kneel before Zod.

I like to call that the American fallacy (“hey, that billionaire could be me someday!!”)

I’ve never been to Disney, Land or World, but in college I knew a woman whose family had a timeshare at Disneyworld.  They loved it and spent all their vacation time there despite being all teenagers and adults.  She was one of the most uptight humorless people I ever met.  

He got SOOOOOO much attention from the entire internet today.  There’s no way he’s not going back to Disney so he can write another op-ed.

The very same.