
Boy, that has aged badly. Little did they contemplate that in 2044 midtown Manhattan would be a dusty wasteland.

I couldn’t stand Season Two. The prolonged fantasy that the stunning twinkly manic pixie dream girl, Italian version, is deeply attracted to our hero and has to fight against her feelings.  It all smacked very much of vanity and wish fulfilment.  

Jean-Claude Van Damme, please.

Whoa that’s the most action I’ve ever seen in a TNG clip.

It’s true! I no longer have corporeal form. I just haunt Kinja looking for opportunities to re-tell the story of how I once had all the episode titles of the original Star Trek memorized.

It’s a fair cop, but society’s to blame.

She’s a great impressionist and seems like a cool person ... I don’t think she’s great in sketches though. To me she comes across as more of a comedian than an actor. That was true of Leslie Jones but they put her in sketches all the time (because she was a breakout star based on personality, maybe?) and she became a

Validate ... parking?


They evolved.  They rebelled.  There are many copies.  And they have a plan.

Whoa, haven’t thought about Jesse Ventura in a while.

She’s so great!! I really appreciated when Spielberg cast her as Mary Todd Lincoln since she is a bit older than Daniel Day Lewis and too often “normal” casting for a wife/girlfriend is 20 years younger.

Oof. Unobtainium has the edge there. Although I sometimes wish, e.g., the MCU would be as frank as Cameron about the true nature of whatever glowing doohickey is being sought or fought over.

Jeez Louise, that’s quite a trailer!  Quel drame!!

Turnabout is fair play.

I dunno it just looks like all those other guys are really good at doing flips.

I seem to remember at some point he claimed he was the first white guy to open a karate dojo in Japan.  Which could well be true!  Doesn’t require much skill to stand on a busy corner in Tokyo and shout “my dojo is now accepting students!”

I always hope they wait until the baby’s crying anyway (since they always do it periodically), then film.  You could schedule it, just do the shoot close to naptime.  But that’s probably just my wishful thinking.

1000%.  Its success still troubles me.

Unobtainium—now that has the feeling of a first-draft idea that stayed in because Cameron was just like fuck it, the whole point is it doesn’t matter what it is or why it’s valuable or why it has such a goofy on-the-nose name.