I really need to know how much screentime the bear gets; I like menacing bears onscreen (yet I see a fair number of real-life bears and I prefer those ones to be non-menacing, oddly enough).
I really need to know how much screentime the bear gets; I like menacing bears onscreen (yet I see a fair number of real-life bears and I prefer those ones to be non-menacing, oddly enough).
Well ... surely not every history book ever written? But it seems like we’re approaching the Total Perspective Vortex here.
Every time I think about potential Black Panther sequels I worry about how the first movie established that the reigning Black Panther can visit his deceased predecessors in some kind of dreamspace. They will have to work around that. (Don’t come at me if I’ve missed something, I’m not up on my Marvel backstories.)…
No, because you could watch thousands of hours of video footage and still not understand basic facts about any given series of events.
Just pretend the whole movie is that moment when Brad Pitt, beaming, tips his hat to Julia Ormond and water droplets spring off of it. That’s all they really wanted us to come away with.
LOL, was about to say exactly the same thing. It’s Hopkins by a blackboard, chewing the scenery even when his character is stroke-ravaged and unable to speak.
Cue “Beasts of Scranton” ...
Yeah, I can’t really read this review because EB’s beauty is so breathtaking in both of the stills that it’s super distracting. *However* and apologies for stereotyping or focusing on outward appearances, but the attractiveness gap you point out is not atypical in French cinema or possibly also in real life in France…
Great interview, despite the weird format. I love Margaret Cho. But can we please retire “whipsmart”? It only ever seems to be used about women, so it has a slightly queasy cutesy connotation. I propose as an alternative the word “smart.”
Now it can be told.
A podcast I was listening to this week ran an ad for Huggies, boosting their spot during “the big game” (yep, an ad for an upcoming ad). I note that this article also uses that phrase. WTF is nobody allowed to say “Super Bowl” except the NFL and CBS? Seems excessive.
When I was four or five I thought the lyrics to “Summer Nights” went something like “tummy more, tummy more, tummy cheek-a-me-fine.” I had no idea what they were talking about.
Oof. Imagine all the babies that sprang from that notion.
Well, when you stack that against all the Fox News tweets about Trump violating CDC guidelines ... oh wait.
It’s great that he’s such a Stephen King fan—it always bums me out a little reading interviews with actors in literary adaptations where they’re like “yeah, I never read it” or “I read the first third once I got cast, but ....” Not that it necessarily affects the performance, it’s just that for most works that get…
It’s made most things worst except navigating while driving and answering random fact questions.
I *always* have the Gals on the Town theme song stuck in my head! It’s why I clicked on this review.
They were paid peanuts by a slightly crazed guy to do some crazy stuff. OK buddy?
It’s impressive how game all the actors were.
It’s so so so long and slightly crazed, and then you get to the end and find out it was “edited for length and clarity,” which is really the coup de grace of the entire thing.