
Finally, the public recognition I so desperately crave! Thanks, Tim!

Most fans agree that Grover went from occasionally annoying to completely insufferable once he started palling around with Dennis Miller.

When the man seated in front of them donned his cap, Gleepglorp & Xaxon realized they had fucked up a key component of their human disguises.

I'm starting to suspect that some of these "Justin Bieber" accounts I've been following aren't really him.

I figured as much, but the thought of you being so pleased with your work, like when Ralphie wrote his BB gun essay in A Christmas Story*, made me chuckle.

Those black guys were pretty excited to be in that cab. They also thought meeting Drew Brees was cool too.


The protagonists are descendants of the Kardashians who have developed actual talent after centuries of extensive genetic engineering.

Picture 4: Gawker Media commenters react to the new Kinja comment system.

Barnes is only wearing it like that so David Stern doesn't have to crouch if he needs to hide from Jim Rome under there.

Oh shit, am I late? Did I miss it? Goddammit, this was my last chance to earn a star!

Asks If "Somebody Cute" Will Be Interviewing Him

+1 Nice.


+1 Hahahaha!




