
Wouldn't be the first guy to think he was the cock of the walk for making it onto a big league field.

+1 Holy shit.

+1 So ridiculous.

This joker tried the same trick at a game in Arizona, but the owner forced him to use an officially licensed Diamondback Dildo instead.

Thanks for gracing us with your awesomeness, Emma. Good luck at dogspin.co!

Barkley quotes have also been known to cause confusion for Inside the NBA viewers and Wendy's drive-thru cashiers.

I see where you went wrong. Try putting their hands over their mouths.

LeBron's generosity clearly wasn't inherited, because it takes at least three full shots to get this kind of treatment from Gloria.

And a couple of those teams even played in the NBA.


None of these people are laughing at my "amazing awanus" references. Where the fuck are you guys?!

My flight just landed in NYC, and I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone at Fat's bar tonight!

+1 Good stuff.


Yeah, it was a chickenshit move.

you sucked off a few people in the right places

The players were actually less embarrassed about being booted than they were when the world found out they play badminton often enough to qualify for the Olympics.


Ha! That's great. +1

+1 Nice.