Obviously, it's a push-dagger boot knife. Totally bad ass.
Obviously, it's a push-dagger boot knife. Totally bad ass.
I love how the whole article is redacted and replaced with a single line. That's information clarity at its best!
Ha! Thanks. I guess we'll have to let the auto historians fight that one out. We're even citing the same source and it contradicts itself.
The safety cell was not pioneered by Mercedes - rather by Volvo in 1944. It was referred to as the Safety Cage and incorporated front and rear crumple zones in order to keep the passenger compartment intact.
This isn't a 10-best list? I would have said, seat belts, crumple zones/crash structures (what's the point of a belt if the car cuts you in half?), safety glass, collapsing steering columns, hoods designed to bend rather than function as guillotines, 3rd' brake lights, airbags, and ABS. For SUVs - add stability…
I love BMW's Estoril Blue, but most of you voted for the Monte Carlo, which is a slightly darker shade. Fair enough.
That's fantastic. Target should get good press from this!
There used to be a 10-mile stretch of I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix that was posted 85 mph.
Those of us that autocross and occasionally carry passengers advocate the "leg-lock technique. You have the passenger move their seat forward until their can just not quite straight their legs and then they can use the floor of the car and the legs to hold themselves into the seat. Works much better than trying to…
Sorry, I'm with Raphael on this one. Cops get away with murder all the time. There's a scary tendency to just believe everything the cop says - often in the face of incontrovertible video evidence like we have here. It's quite apparent that the vast majority of people who choose to be cops are power-hungry idiots that…
As you can see in the video, 51-year-old Perrin Dobyns rolls down the window of his black Lincoln LS and takes aim at the driver recording with his cell phone. It's difficult to tell if Dobyns actually fires on the other driver from the video, as you can't see any flash and road noise makes any sound difficult to…
Boxing a big SUV in with motorcycles is pretty aggressive - and remarkably stupid.
I've I'd been driving that SUV there would be a lot more wrecked bikes and dead riders after having my vehicle assaulted. Never open the door and ever get out. You have a 2 ton weapon to defend yourself and your family. Use it. Reverse or wrong way in a one way would have put a lot more of these bikers down. And they…
Actually, that's a good point. But maybe not public transportation - maybe in googleubernewlysentientcarfleet cars? Definitely no road rage there. You could drink, watch movies, read, or nap and not worry about getting pulled over! I do see an upside to that.
This made me laugh. Thanks, Matt.
Voice activation of anything.
Digital speedo. Stupid. Now when a cop pulls along side there's no doubt you knew what speed you were going. The rest of the interior looks fantastic!
Remember that you're allowed to split lanes in California. She probably was just so unaware of the bus driving up next to her that she was pulling to the front of the line at the light as is perfectly legal where she lives. I think she almost got squished for inattention rather than asshattery. As you can see, her…
I wonder if any of this is related to extra government purchasing during the stimulus? I seem to recall an article on Jalopnik about the Feds buying extra cars.