I'm 5 months pregnant with number two. I work full-time and my nerves are shot to hell most of the time and I have no energy. I also have no sex drive whatsoever (many pregnant women get more horny, so ymmv).
I'm 5 months pregnant with number two. I work full-time and my nerves are shot to hell most of the time and I have no energy. I also have no sex drive whatsoever (many pregnant women get more horny, so ymmv).
"and no one took it seriously" or at least you hope.
Uh, where was the Old Fella when he was molesting kids in the first place?
National Domestic Violence Hotline
I think a white party should involve more L.L. Bean.
It was about ethics in gaming journalism.
When I heard of the misogynistic rantings of the UCSB shooter, the first thing I was reminded of, was the massacre at the Ecole Polytechnique.
Just a heads up, "red pill" carries a very specific meaning in the nutjob MRA camp. As much as I love the analogy of seeing through the mental traps of patriarchy and gender binarism and seeing the code of the matrix*, misogynists and pickup artists have co-opted the terminology in a really gross way.
All minority groups can and should speak up or themselves
it's never too late to turn it around. Isn't that what we want?
What, exactly, is the "historical context" for racism? If you want to expose your kids to racialized imagery of non-human characters then you could just have them watch Jar-Jar Binks or Transformers circa 2012. When has racism ever been out of circulation such that it needs "historical context"? So that you can say…
I have to disagree. As a black person who, for a time, could not pick up a single book without encountering some throw-away line disparaging black people or using the N-word—even in books that HAD no black characters or where the terms and comments had absolutely nothing to do with the plot—being forced to…
I'm confused as to why this man thinks that a local police department would have any influence over an NFL team. It's like if I ran at Zeus with a butter knife.
"Why is the suspect not named? His victim is named!"
You apparently conflate people criticizing thugs, punks, idiots and whatever else we can call them burning down their community and destroying the lives of other innocent people, and hide behind the word "protest", as all being racist.
Society wants women to courageously fight back against their attackers and be brutalized doing so because it fuels the media machine that is powered by sexualizing violence against women. They'd rather have a dead martyr than a living victim who might say things that hurt their feelings, because that martyr no longer…
Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would…
About 150 people gathered in Berlin, Germany, today to attend a vigil commemorating Tugce Albayrak, a 23-year-old…