
Healthy is debatable, considering they are nearly pure sugar and packed with calories. They are acceptable as themselves, which I believe to be your point. They ruin absolutely EVERYTHING else they touch, in my opinion.

Wait till you see it again on ESPN over and over again until LeBron decides to leak that his favorite brunch spot is in LA.

Thoughts and prayers, Tammi.

The one from Canada you met at Niagara Falls?

Yes. The Monforts would also like a word.

Now is the right time for an openly gay NHL player. Just to play chicken with Marchand.

Until morale improves, the lickings will continue.

Do the Mets really seem like a team capable of managing a Netflix account?

The tragicomic Long Island weirdos that own the Mets are the last holdouts in this not-so-proud tradition, and they have never missed an opportunity to carp about the players they pay.

You know you’ve got a lot going for you in life when you’re “proud” of the color of your skin.  It’s like being proud of having elbows.


“Officer, how did you feel about arresting the Alabama QB for underage drinking after the title game last year?”

It’s not only bad optics, it’s tactically stupid.

First amendment rights only apply to saying vile, racist shit behind a pseudonym on Twitter.

1) Based on MSU tuition revenues, a 2.97% increase in tuition would cost current students an additional $29 million in fees for the systematic, criminal promotion and coverup of a serial child molester.

I keep seeing people writing ‘death penalty’, but what does that even mean. The scope of this is so far beyond athletics. Taking away the athletic department doesn’t even begin to address the core issue. The real solution is to liquidate a substantial portion of the endowment and attempt to repair the relationship

Yeah, it’s definitely not a good look to cut off someone who’s reading *possibly criminal allegations against you*.
This guy can’t last the weekend, right?

But we did get a lot of commercials featuring PG&E employees and how they’re our neighbors and really, really care about us.

Me: “I can’t imagine how an institution could fail harder than this.”

Reminds me of San Bruno in California. PG&E had a gas pipeline running underground through a neighborhood, and received permission from the state to raise utility rates *twice* to pay for fixes to the pipeline.