
Stardew Valley.

I’m a DV survivor. Let’s be honest, the only reason he then threatened to kill himself is so that she wouldn’t call the police or leave him. My ex suddenly became suicidal when I was officially done and on my way out. Threats like that are still a form of control.

Because it is a tragedy so inhumane, it is unquantifiable and and can’t be categorized. It brings on complex emotions and thought processes go completely out of whack. Thus the void where this can spread.

She’s quieter than her son, but still a white supremacist. She was part of this effort by white supremacists to establish an all-white enclave in this corner of Montana that started about 30 years ago. Thousands of them have come to Whitefish, a nearby town called Kalispell, and the rural area around both towns.

Just so we’re all on the same page, the Electoral College will vote on Monday, but the results of the vote won’t be known until January 6th when the new Congress convenes and counts the ballots. There will probably be leaks and rumors in the meantime, but no one will know for sure until the 6th.

Ah, our good well-known friend, false equivalency. The guy acting in self-defense is just as bad as the meglomaniacal dictator who has murdered countless billions.

Ah, false equivalency.

Really? All for satire, but a shred of decency might go a long way in this particular case. This video was produced by parents whose 6-year old children were gunned down en masse, in the tiny hope it might prevent this from happpening again- not exactly prime fodder for parody



Thanks for sharing! I will do this today.

Thank you. This should be bumped further up!

It’s cool. 🙂 I never would have believed how nutty it is here until I moved here. . . in so many other states people would be in jail or at least under investigation. It’s like, everyday is bridgegate if you know what I mean.

I’m a volunteer EMT in a struggling inner city, and it quickly became apparent that my job is to taxi mentally ill people from their home on the sidewalk to the ER, where they will stay for 48 hours before getting turned out onto the street again. repeat until death or imprisonment.

This (not really but sorta) happened when Indiana’s legislature passed their own fetal remains law. The people participating in the Periods for Pence campaign flooded the governor’s and bill sponsor’s offices with phone calls describing their monthly flows, symptoms, etc. and asked what to do with any, um, chunks

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

The gender policing isn’t exclusive to gay people or even LGBT people. I know plenty of straight guys who dress or look a little more feminine and straight women who dress or look a little more masculine. This is purely about gender expression and, ultimately, individual fashion choices. Children or adults who are

They’re not paying: it’s free to attend the finals of that tournament. And a lot of the folks there are affiliated with other teams at the tournament. (For example, my son was in the tournament last year, and watched these same two teams play in the final of the U11 bracket.) And they close off part of the stadium so