
That’s absolutely their goal. They’ve not been shy about it.

Allowing other people to have rights doesn’t violate your rights.

PSA: Progressives have to start focusing on local as well as national elections. Your school boards and city/county governments are key. Ask candidates about sex ed and other issues you think are important. You don’t even have to talk to anyone anymore. Look up the candidates and send an email.

For what it’s worth, something may be going on with Michael’s fiancee, Vito. He hasn’t been on social media since the 11th and he has some major familial issues that he’s dealing with.

Sepp Blatter is no longer the president of everybody. The scandal-wracked FIFA head has announced he will resign,

I fucking hate how assholes have managed to create the idea that “gay people exist” is an agenda rather than a simple and undeniable fact.

It depends on the state you live in as to whether they will follow it, but yes, it should be written out explicitly in your advanced directive. I just updated mine last week before going in for a hysterectomy, and for my state there was even a question as to whether you want your advanced directive ignored if you are

This whole situation is so sketchy and I don't like it at all. The majority of evidence points to Lee not being in total control of her faculties, and that's been true for years. Given her sister's recent death, I find the timing extremely suspect. Add all that to the fact that I so deeply cherish TKAM, and want

I don't know if you'll find this interesting, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

What you're experiencing is often referred to as a "Heteronormative" outlook. This is "denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation". The idea that heterosexuality, even though it is far more common than homo or bisexuality is more "normal" than other

As someone who has had an abortion, let me assure you that it can take weeks to get an appointment for one. I waited two for mine, and when I called during that first week to see if there had been any cancellations, I was informed there weren't any for another month.

I'd like to go on record here: I fully support domestic violets. If you don't like it, you can take your other 63 crayons and just get the hell out.

I want to say this about mental illness, because I think this is important, at least to me.

psst, don't feed the troll