You collect data, then reach conclusions, not the other way around.
You collect data, then reach conclusions, not the other way around.
The United States has no database of police shootings. There is no standardized process by which officers log…
You are absolutely right, though it's not like there should be any shame in going for an abortion, a safe and legal medical procedure. Not implying you meant otherwise, it just sucks that we have to justify why a woman is there in the first place.
Oh yeah, they give precisely zero fucks about all the other services women's clinics offer. Like I said, the protesters generally weren't there on non-abortion days, but there were times there were a few even on non-procedure days. I got screeched at a few times for going in to buy my whore pills because SLUT!!!!! …
Under "etc" you can also file treatment for missed miscarriage (where your baby dies inside you but you don't bleed out). One of the most important reasons why even if you are anti-abortion you need to concede that medical practitioners need to have the facilities and skills for "abortion" procedures. Not only can…
The groups NARAL Pro-Choice Texas and Progress Texas have obtained audio from a training session held by…
Most runners I know who are not also liars acknowledge that running sucks much (okay, most) of the time. Usually, I…
I think soccer is one of the few where this qualifying description is most common rather than least. The team is known universally as the USMNT, not the USNT, for the exact reasons you just outlined. The same happens in college basketball, the ESPN ticker always displays NCAAM before listing the basketball scores.
The kiss with his boyfriend was one thing, but that was only a small twist on a scene we've watched a hundred times…
Joey, posting 9 million times about how upset you are about something is telling. You seem a bright enough guy, I encourage you to examine what makes you so upset about Michael Sam. He hasn't done anything a whole hell of a lot of straight guys haven't done before him.
Sam's not a media hound like Tebow is so the media is going to get bored. Tim Tebow starts every single appearance with "First of all, I'd like to thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ". I seriously doubt Michael Sam is going to start a single appearance with "We're queer, and we're here".
Well, if he can keep them distracted so the rest of us can keep getting stuff done, he's playing an even more valuable role in our national life that he did just by being an openly gay football player.
the Rams already had a powerful defense, adding Sam to it will only make it more so. I imagine most of the teams that play the Rams this year will be sorry they passed. I'm disappointed Seattle didn't take him.
Right so I took the pictures (you can see them on instagram/bdinger), and seemingly started this internet meltdown.
I wish the school could have publicly shared what they did privately with me because on reading their initial response I about went nuclear. After talking to them I realize it was a screw up done with…
This isn't the only school district using this program, which appears to be created by a guy named Izzy Kalman, who describes himself as a "critic" of anti-bullying programs.
I didn't know it was a publicity campaign to be who you are...but okay.
I didn't. But even if someone had: he didn't run commercials claiming that gay people are 'coming for your children.' That $1000 Eich spent paid for one of those commercials.
This morning, I sat at my breakfast table going over the news. Checking through my inbox, I saw an email from a…