I would like this shirt.
I would like this shirt.
According to the article (which I shamelessly devoured, last night), the police did conduct a welfare check, and pronounced him fine.
Ryan White was a charming young straight boy who acquired the disease as the result of a transfusion — not one of those dirty, dirty gays who were struck down by their own nasty behavior. Reagan embraced the Ryan Whites, sure, but turned his back on the affected gay community.
He just said this, which is much much worse. :( Neil! Don’t do this Neil!
He has branched out into politics now.
What’s really criminal is the markup on soda.
Look, I’ll vote for Hillary in November. No denying that. But come on. You’re running for president. You should know better.
I don’t even believe in God and I am praying so hard it’s shade...it’s probably not though...
That 2nd-to-last paragraph was exactly what I was thinking...Hello? VICTORIA SECRET COMMERCIALS!!! Not to mention stuff like this:
Yup. My ex-partner has basically put his life (not to mention his career) on hold to care for his elderly mother, who has gone blind, had hip replacements, etc. He lives with her, drives her to appointments, shops for her, gets her medicine, etc. There are family dynamics at play as well, of course, but he hasn’t…
Maybe it was a case of stand your ground? Mommy said it was nap time and the child felt threatened?
But is he with his grandparents because of CPS or because his mom is in the hospital?
WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.
It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.
I’m never a fan of people being injured, buuuuuut this irony is bacon-flavored.
Who knew you could make a hella morose song even more moroserer. er.
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.
slut shaming is bad, unless it’s kim kardashian because el oh el reasons.
And little shelves to place your phone...
He’s the co-creator of Chappelle’s Show.