That’s how both conventions work. The delegates get assigned to hotels and have to pay their own way.
That’s how both conventions work. The delegates get assigned to hotels and have to pay their own way.
Beaten by a woman whose support comes mostly from women and people of color. How dare they?
So the white guy who got fewer votes thinks that he deserves the nomination more than the woman who got more votes whose support is largely among women and people of color.
We loved Arnold Lobel books when I was a kid. My favorite is out of print now: A Zoo for Mister Muster. I was thrilled to have tracked down a copy at a tiny used bookstore at the dawn of the Internet and sad when both of my kids inevitably rejected my childhood treasure.
Raw Umber! I was confused with Burnt Sienna. Anyway, they discontinued the Umber line so it don’t matter no more.
When I was a kid I had a hatred for Burnt Umber that was as strong as any hostility I have ever felt for a human.
Independent not-for-profits? Like a bunch of NPRs?
Meanwhile... “the widely cited statistic that one in three women ages 35 to 39 will not be pregnant after a year of trying, for instance, is based on an article published in 2004 in the journal Human Reproduction. Rarely mentioned is the source of the data: French birth records from 1670 to 1830. The chance of…
Did anyone listen to the SNL explainer? It does sound like Whitewater is shadier than I thought it was at the time (when I was in college and, to the extent I thought about it at all, just figured it was politics as usual). Although it also sounds like maybe that's what happens in a small state where there are…
Giving JoJo with a Bow-bow a song titled Boomewang seems like an ewwer in judgement.
They can hate them all.
Why would they?
I’m very uncomfortable holding leaders responsible for the behaviors of their supporters. But there’s a point at which you expect some really direct, unequivocal language rejecting their behavior, and that’s not coming from Sanders and it is really disappointing and reveals what’s lacking in his leadership.
Is there a male equivalent of this genre? A man publishes a disgusting reflection and is excoriated for it? There’s Tucker Max, but he didn’t exactly become untouchable.
Everyone has supporters who are assholes. I think the primary issue is Sanders’ press release in response to these assholes and his continued insinuations that this election is being stolen. He’s welcome to march on until July but his rhetoric about the legitimacy of the election and his attacks on Clinton, rather…
I’m so glad this is here - I read this announcement this morning and had no one to titter with. That an article about a couple of feminists started off with the gendered phrase “shrinking violet” perfectly set the tone for the rest of the announcement. I couldn’t ever decide if the writer was clueless or just trolling…
I’m a passionate Hillary supporter and I was very polite to the Sanders phone bankers who called my house. But if Susan Sarandon called me I wouldn’t be nice.
Don’t let them off the hook by calling them dumb. They aren’t dumb. They are smart. They live in a bubble and it doesn’t occur to them that that shirt is offensive because they don’t know anyone in real life who would think that shirt is offensive and they don’t consume any media about anyone who doesn’t look like…
But research shows that when you present someone with facts that contradict their beliefs, they just get more retrenched in their beliefs. I’m not sure what you do with these people.