
I don’t know. I felt like this exchange was too superficial to really move anyone who thinks “all lives matter” or who just hasn’t spent too much time thinking about race at all. I don’t think someone who doesn’t understand “white privilege” would come out of that exchange with a better understanding, or even

But she believed he had no mental deficits.


But he “wrote” academic papers with her facilitation. I think she believed he wrote them. I think that she saw him as her intellectual equal. I mean, I guess it comes down to whether you believe that she is delusional, or if you think she’s just justifying having knowingly raped a man with severe mental disabilities.

Just because he has a severe physical disability doesn’t mean he can’t be attractive to someone. And I do believe she really thought she was communicating with him - she buys into the whole FC thing. It does speak to an acute narcissism, since she really just in love with her own sub-conscious.

There is only one thing we can predict with certainty about any presidential candidate, and that’s what type of Supreme Court appointments they will make. I know I will support Hillary’s and Bernie’s appointments, so I have no qualms using gender as the tie breaker.

Hmm. I have an 10.5 year old daughter and among the aspects of her life I wish I could control - and anticipating wishing to control as she hits adolescence - is definitely not food. Unless you count body acceptance and its relationship to food. My anxieties for her center around her choices of friends and social


I used to feel mad at myself when the cashiers at the Hudson News in the airport said “Have a nice flight” and I said “You too.” But now I think they must do it on purpose to entertain themselves with our awkwardness when we realize we’ve said “you too”.

If it were Harriet Potter it would surely have been considered a girls book. JK Rowling couldn’t publish under her real name because her publishers thought it wouldn’t sell to boys - the target audience - with a female author.

When my daughter was in 4th grade reading Harry Potter she asked me why girls read “boy books” and “girl books” but boys only read “boy books.” It starts so young.

Well, those films resonate with all of us because so much of the media that we’ve consumed is told from the perspective of white guys.

It always comes down to taste and subjectivity.

Also why would the word debt be in quotes? It wasn’t lost on me but I had to pick one thing and I picked grammar. I feel like it all goes together - the bad basic grammar and the inability to understand the distinction between the lottery and the national debt.

For all intensive purposes it is a doggy dog world out there for grammarians. That’s why I like to have copy editors at my beckon call.

I don’t think she’s lying. I think she meant it when she said it because she believes that racism isn’t a contemporary problem, so she spends zero time thinking about social justice and she literally forgot about Jim Crow and slavery and all the rest.

Well, she says she behaved the same way with other men in consensual encounters - so in her words she participated then. I feel like she’s trying to illustrate how subjective it is to try to rationalize Dave’s behavior. I understand that impulse, but I think that it is willfully ignorant for men not to understand the

I agree that the cat and mouse game hurts everyone, but the cat and mouse game exists because our culture doesn’t respect women’s agency. It is a reasonable response to a world that still insists that if a girl says yes to fast she’s a slut. The writer can’t be faulted for her participation in the game. But men can be

Who will be the Justin Timberlake? And who will be the Donnie Wahlberg? And who will be the [looks up members of Backstreet Boys] Nick Carter?

Not surprising that cheating is more accessible than racism that people will refuse to acknowledge.