The irony!
The irony!
Any thoughts on whether there's value in not deleting the comments? For the viewers of the video who might be inclined to dismiss the video as isolated incidents or edited or staged those comments can drive home how much hostility women have to face.
I know! I re-read to see if I missed the R. It was supposed to be frappening.
It is in Italics on a computer web browser. But still...
I'm not wild about the headline. I realize that the Italicized "Honey Boo Boo" is meant to clarify that the reference is to the show, and not the child, but it still reads like Alana was molested. Which she hasn't been as far as we know.
I saw this in our local halloween shop and I thought it was a pregnant fairy.
Litigation? Can you sue a company because their marketing is obnoxious?
If it takes a whole for the viral load to be evident in tests than it would also take a while for it to be contagious. Even in Texas, where the Dallas victim was traipsing around town for days after he developed a fever and the nurse was on a plane with a low fever, the only people who caught it were the people who…
It drives me nuts that the same people who rant about doing everything necessary to protect citizens from Ebola think there's no problem with virtually unfettered access to firearms. I guess at least they are consistent with their rejection of common sense.
I can't believe she had the courage of her convictions and stood up to the cops. I surely would have caved. Also it is ridiculous that the FBI would terrorize a someone over an affair.
All I can say is, thank goodness WABC in NY, as opposed to WNBC, has the sense not to preempt their regularly scheduled programs with the Ebola press conference.
Pat Sajak really respects his viewers.
It isn't close in NY. Who should I write in? I'm NOT voting for Cuomo.
Do you promise? Because my hope keeps receding. What if they successfully restrict voting to all but their base?
I completely agree that the workforce culture in the US needs a radical overhaul incorporating the benefits outlined in this post. But my understanding is that Facebook does have very generous family leave policies. So maybe they can earn a wholehearted thanks and high five? And its ongoing success can be used an…
How disappointing that CBS would spin it that way. Because of course the situation actually proved his point. No police department's response to drunken hooligans should involve military-grade defense. It just further illustrates how woefully poorly trained our local police forces are. "Just overwhelm the drunk people…
I admit I didn't have faith that Stewart would be able to make the argument effectively and started off wishing it was Ta-Nehisi Coates in his chair. But I think he did a good job sticking with factual, details about housing policies while O'Reilly was just spouting vague platitudes about working hard.
Woah. In NY we just have to say we are the primary care giver of a child under 14 (I think - something like that) and you get a pass. I would love to serve on a jury, but they don't make it easy.