As could have been suspected: provided by Obama
Ah, a black woman (Kara Brown) hating on Iggy Azalea. Are there equivalent “black tears” GIFs?
At age 12 I found Return of the Killer Tomatoes funny. Clooney probably regrets this one too, along with Batman.
Are there people who find Will Ferrell funny?
Okay, thank you for your post. As to the first point, I said myself, I don’t mind being addressed with “hello muzungu” as no harm is meant by the locals, but it is food for thought to be addressed and defined by your skin color. Over here, especially with roles reversed, that is considered unacceptable, well meant or…
Were you serious about all men in it to “spread their seed”?
Have you ever been to an African country? People here keep nagging about savior complexes, that black people are stereotyped as poor and in need of saving.
Well, it is the most stupid thing I’ve heard today. Not a single guy I know that went to study abroad did it for “the pussy”. Then again, I studied engineering.
Errrr... South Africa isn’t the only former English colony or African country with English as official language.
Oh please, have you ever been to an African country? Exploitation works both ways. Black people also exploit white people studying there.
You could turn it around and say the program attracts size queens?
Why? Genuinely curious since it’s supposed to be about studying, not helping people? Aren’t you confusing with Peace Corps or something?
So the movie is actually blackwashed?
The PC police. They exist.
In the style of Anne Merlan’s responsible journalism, indeed that ASSumption should be made.
Reminds me of the UVA rape hoax. It COULD be true. Let’s call out these racist kids, even though no one was in blackface, they COULD have been. I mean, the narrative is 1. all Greek frats are bad and 2. all whites are racist. So it MUST be true and must be repeated blackface is bad.