I like “outrage boner”. Lol.
I like “outrage boner”. Lol.
Are you even black? If not, you should know Kanye has a song on golddiggers. Why are you offended?
Brainwashing into believing “white guilt” and “white privilege” are real?
Except that it was no “blackface type” of event.
Shhhhh. It’s Jezebel. We need social justice. Facts don’t matter (see UVA). It COULD have happened. Just because there are no pictures of actual blackface, doesn’t prove NO ONE wore blackface.
It is clear to me the people being offended here don’t know any white people, apart from the stereotypical KKK outfit wearing ones. We’re not ALL racists.
You like to be offended for the sake of being offended, right?
How is looking like a golddigger “blackface”?
They’re depicting miners, dummy. You ever listened to any of Kanye’s raps, I’m not saying she’s gold digger? It’s a Kanye WESTERN party.
Anne Merlan (nor most Jezebel readers) never learned a thing from the UVA rape hoax. None of the photos show blackface. For a self proclaimed “journalist”, she sure doesn’t like fact checking.
As pointed out on Gawker, people on Jezebel are dying to be offended and to wage war for social justice.
Exactly. Was about to post that if no one else had.
And still no shred of evidence has been produced that Bin Laden was even there. Obama cares about the sensitivities of extremist muslims.
Why do Ciara and Wilson both look white-ish? Color filter?