Totally. Also it help that it’s a big slap in the mouth for all of the New Hitler’s Youth who rap Lose Yourself to have their own idol to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Totally. Also it help that it’s a big slap in the mouth for all of the New Hitler’s Youth who rap Lose Yourself to have their own idol to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Most definitely. Still glad Em made his stance known. But yeah... unless it comes from a White mouth, people will ignore.
Spot on. I was getting an Unle Jesse/John Stamos overly manacured 5 o’clock shadow vibe from that.
He told his fans who might be supporters of Trump that he was drying a line in the sand, and they are either “for or against.”
Someone on twitter just said that FINALLY someone said what everyone has been thinking, and I was like, “Um, plenty of people have been saying this shit. The difference is Em is white.” I mean, it helps...and he damn well knows it.
Not to mention that line about black vets coming home from Iraq and then being told to go back to Africa.. it was perfection.
I would not be shocked if numbers were much higher than reported for boys. Often young men don’t even have to vocabulary for what happened to the because these things are what happen to women, not men.
I worked as a government social worker/clinical counsellor for 28 years. You are totally right that the numbers for boys are much higher since it was my experience that disclosure with boys was so rare. The one thing I know for sure is that early treatment/intervention (pre-adolescent) is crucial.
They CAN’T bill the federal government. Unfortunately (if my understanding is correct) municipalities are required by federal and/or state law to provide whatever resources the secret service requests for a presidential visit.
Love, hugs, support to you and all the other brothers who’ve experienced this. I’m sorry you’re subjected to so much suffering. Praying and rooting for your health-mind, body, spirit. This brought tears to my eyes. May you all find solidarity, support, empathy, compassion and genuine understanding from those in whom…
Sweetness, we stick together like glue.
Oh my God. I love you so much for this. You have no idea. I’m in tears at my desk right now b/c what you wrote hit home sooo hard for me.
We often associate toxic masculinity with harm to women. But it is necessary to consider how toxic masculinity also hurts men as well. This is an important article.
Any time the prez visits some place, he’s putting a strain on local law enforcement to provide protection for his huge, flabby ass. I’m surprised the local govs haven’t billed the White House for causing unnecessary expense hitting their budgets. Especially locations hit by disasters and Orange Dumbass makes a lying…
“The toxic masculinity in these stories is the assumption that each of the young men, regardless of age, should have been tough enough to avoid being raped and should have been strong enough to resolve what happened to him.”
Thank you so much for writing about this. Childhood sexual assault is an epidemic in this country. One in Three girls will be assaulted by the time she’s 18. The number is between One in Five and Six for boys. I honestly believe that the number for boys is higher but the messages we give boys are so harmful that they…
I didn’t cry while watching this or reading your article. ‘Cause real men don’t need to cry. That’s why it’s so great being a guy. You don’t have to feel anything or respond emotionally when things are difficult, or painful, or frightening. So, don’t mind me, I’ll be over here being manly.
This weekend’s episode of Iyanla: Fix My Life dealt with a topic that often goes unmentioned in the black community:…
If the Cheney bunker of Wyoming, with only 585,501 people, can have 2 Senators and contribute so mightily to the conservative, fascist disease that is destroying this country, we need to get the USVI, Puerto Rico and the other territories statehood so they can have true representation and hopefully be a force for…