
16. Working graveyard. Just graduated high school(!!)

I always heard a shorter version — “A drunk’s word is his sober thought” and it’s still true!

But where is his GoFundMe??

I’m actually holding onto hope that real Military will hold him off.

Every day, new levels of low.

Newspeak is here. War is peace etc.

So I followed your link —and wtf, it’s really true!!

That look, from those eyes. I’d be afraid to...

I’m loving “flap lil birdie”! Saving to use on my daughter!

I’m sorry if I came across as snotty about adult kids who move back home??  I’m actually very frustrated/po’d that so many HAVE to!!

I’m absolutely loving this.

No way. Now I’m po’d, but YAY for you and your sensible colleagues.

Thank you for reminding me why I should be grateful that my son is grown & independent! I absolutely adore him, but omg could he create housekeeping havoc! (Only at my home though — somehow never elsewhere??)

I’m definitely hoping it’s fake. Because otherwise, an author who seems VERY young has “ gone viral” for very personal thoughts, without her consent.

I always have been! Going back to the glory days of stars, I’ve never been “approved” on Jez. I like to think it’s mostly because I comment so infrequently, hehe.

UpI think the point here is that Federal funding may soon be cut, along with State (in red states) so the concern is very valid. Cheeto.

I remembered it yet watched that video anyway. Why do I do this to myself??

I am literally everything these assholes hate...

Wait, are you saying that I should forgive my mom since she has an iPhone 6+? ;)

I’m so incredibly fucking* sorry that you went through something similar. The sick fucker needs to rot in hell, and you...