
Head-version when reading the book > movie dude.

But...what happened with Pereoid 4 girl?? (Realistically I know that you can’t say/don’t know, but I need closure!!)

Throw it into a strong blender with some ice & you can pretend it’s a cocktail!

I know this is totally off-topic but agreed...for the picky babies?? Any beans/nuts/dairy if necessary.

Okay, thank you for the laugh in these dark times!

You are fantastic! (Off to write my own email/comment now)

Happy birthday and congrats on your paper! (I’m loving the topic!)

I kept scrolling, hoping for a spiedie reference!!

Really hoping Ossoff has people like you on his team. Realistic, cynical, and hardball. <3

You have very good points that make me re-examine my thoughts.


Your words to FSM’s ears.


I agree on everything you said/typed.

Me too. 

How have I not heard of this before?? *Hangs head in shame*

I am not a scientist, but...

Mayor Martin J. Walsh, I have never been as proud as I am right now.

Oh no, I hadn’t even thought of that —my disappointment list grows!

Still seriously disappointed in the choice of Elizabeth Moss (Scientologist) for Offred. :/