
People really don’t get this.

Talk about a captive audience. And here in my little town a childhood friend is having a hard time finding a way to get out of a flooded area so he can get to the funeral of his son who is one of the sailors who died on the USS McCain. My message to the White House in regards to his situation were (shock, shock)

Hold up. That woman is not my FLOTUS.

“aka the Halfwit of a Halfwit”

Whitney, it’s “all of A sudden.” Seriously, when have you ever read it with “the” like that?

Are there regional affiliations for “all of the sudden” vs. the clearly superior “all of a sudden”?

Yup, every time I’ve heard of a relationship opening up later in, it’s either one of two scenarios in a cis-hetero pairing: the woman gets way more attention, or the one who initialized the opening inevitably gets jealous of their partner’s new person.

Also, “he’s jumped straight to open relationship, which he feels will take pressure off of me” feels like some pretty rank gaslighting. Sounds like in about a year MVP is going to realize that her wonderful boyfriend was kiiiiiiiiiiiiind of a massive asshat.

LW2 should really just let it go. If her sister is a snob, her sister is a snob. What are she going to confront her about? “Your life is too awesome and you have too much money and you’re not acting grateful enough?” Nah dude. LW2 needs to put her little green-eyed monster away and focus on herself.

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

Dear MVP,

I read this title as “ my boyfriend wants new pussy but still needs to split the rent cost”

Others may have said it, but I think Garth Ennis said it best...

Likely not. But if a white supremacist took refuge in their domiciles, I’d likely not refrain from making the parallel, there, too.

Yes, يا حبيب، I understand.

It always gives me pause that the people who claim the best of a singular race are always the worst example of it. Take a hard look at this supposed superior being.

Sounds like an excellent man. I’d still think twice before moving there.

Looking it up, named after John Lynch of the Virginia Lynchs, who founded the town right around the time Lynching started to be known as punishment without trial, most likely by a relative.

But oh wait, there’s more!
There’s a Lynchburg, Tennessee, Ohio, & South Carolina. All named after the original Lynchburg VA and

Boyfriend and I watched the Vice News piece in abject fucking horror over this asshole. I hope he gets what is coming to him.