
“A woman’s worst nightmare? That’s pretty easy. Novelist Margaret Atwood writes that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, “They are afraid women will laugh at them.” When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, “We’re afraid of being killed.” 

Of course he did.

Dat ass.

The word “inspo” being used in actual out loud conversations is painful to my soul. I just don’t get it. It’s not inspOration.

Lest we forget the (alleged) racism...

I’m thinking any platform that hosts (and fails to deal with) white supremacists deserve to have high profile members delete their accounts and as a result publicly remove their endorsement. Pretty sure there would be an actual focus by these companies (FB, Twitter) to stop allowing hatred to organize and proliferate

I’m sure they’re aiming to remove her right to vote with a felony conviction.

She’s been released without bond!

Meanwhile, no arrests for the guys that beat up Deandre Harris with sticks and poles. And Harris’ name, and his assault are rarely mentioned in articles covering Charlottesville.

It’s from Charlottesville. It’s been covered by every major news station. The man who was beaten was Deandre Harris.


Yet the identified Nazis who beat a black man remain free.

more like it.

PS: Thanks so much for posting this report. I couldn’t bring myself to watch video-after-video-after-video, so I like having the timeline all in one place like that. Horrible horrible horrible.

It’s baffling to me how even relatively sensible networks can find the time to air bogus and uninformative talking heads pieces, but cannot find the time to show more than 10-second clips of what the Nazis did in Charlottesville.

The most passionate white supremacists are usually the least supreme in every way. Isn’t it ironic?

HBO clearly had the most comprehensive coverage (someone nominate her for a Peabody). MSNBC and BBC both showed clips and had interviews with her today, giving credit where it’s due, but naturally, they only showed a minute of “cleaned up footage” , which is why I want everyone to see the whole piece. It must be seen

I’ve been persistently appalled about all of the lying that’s been going on about what really happened in Charlottesville. Even reasonably responsible news outlets do not seem to standing up to the outrageous “there was violence on both sides, really” narrative spun by the right wing.

Jesus Christ. I lost it when that poor woman was being helped away from the wreck and started screaming once the gravity of what had just happened hit her.

Now playing

Jared and Ivanka must see and hear what the people Donald is defending (everyone should see this; it’s the most unvarnished coverage of what happened this weekend)