
Oh my God, guys. Why can’t we all just get along? Let’s sit down with a Pepsi and solve racism.

I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.

“You can listen to someone be frustrated and bitch about white women, even in an aggressive way, and CHOOSE to not take it personally.”

Speaking up JUST TO SAY “not all white women” is indeed... offensive.

I noticed that too, Pantsuit Nation is honestly just fucking boring at this point. We have a more local Pantsuit chapter that I prefer because it’s actually about local issues and organizing actions and stuff, helping local activist, etc. People don’t seem to understand, and I say this as a white woman, that whether

Can you only speak out in regards to how it effects your self image as a white woman tho? Literally can’t say anything else?

In the past 1.5 years, I’ve realized that a lot of white feminists believe being women is equivalent to being a POC, and so they believe they have an understanding of racism that allows them to make it about themselves. Pantsuit Nation is actually a really good place to find them. It’s incredibly frustrating because

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

I have a cousin who posts a lot of “proud of the Confederate flag”crap on his Facebook. I’m now prepared to throw all decorum out the window and ask what unit his relative served in. Since he can’t, I’ll remind him it was Company B of the 58th Pennsylvania Infantry.

And his supermom, has, no question, had to eat a ton of shit and fend off a ton of grope entitled assholes in her life—she just didn’t tell her kid about it.


I hate it when men respond to these stories with anecdotes about the women in their life who took no shit. You can be a quick-thinking badass and still freeze in situations where you’re being assaulted. It has nothing to do with how strong, smart or brave you are.

Same here, I am really happy and impressed she took this to trial. Many young girls look up to her and I hope this shows them that sexual assault is NOT okay and they don’t have to stay quiet and do nothing.

YES. I’m so happy that Taylor is not letting this go. She has millions of young female fans who will benefit from her example. She could have brushed it off as just another shitty thing women have to deal with, but it’s so great that she brought him to court. What a CREEP.

I like that they tried to make the fact that she acted like a professional after the fact some indication that she didn’t mind. Look at the picture. She’s a fucking pro. This guy’s scum.

Yeah, I really appreciate the furthering of the “Women order their boyfriends/husbands about who they can or can’t hang out with! It’s a totally normal thing to do!” schtick.

“Last off, his wife probably told him to stop hanging out with you, duh. Which means you are attractive”