
If that was a scolding then your parents were very kind, lol.

Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

I’m as disappointed as anyone that it isn’t actually Dr. Someskull-or-other. This is how the world ends. Not with a terrifying speech to all the assembled leaders of the world, warning them all of the awesome power of an unimaginably powerful doomsday device and demanding an unbelievable sum of money and power; but

Oh god. This is the asshole that’s gonna cause the end of the world? Not an insane genius, but this chucklefuck? Goddamn it that is just not right!

Oh no 😓

I’m so sorry 😓

ugh. I had to do the same thing last Saturday with the goodest of Good Boys.

So sorry for your loss. *Cat hugs*

I put down my cat—9 years old last week. He was my first pet and my best buddy and I’m crushed.
Poor Jessica Alba.

This fucker...

You say momma’s boy like it was a bad thing.

Kylie is the only Kardashian who really, really makes me uncomfortable. Or, uncomfortable with my fellow Americans. I can’t imagine being nine years old-NINE - and having a film crew in my home the whole time just filming “life”. I really can’t wrap my head around what that would be like for a teenager, but a nine

Herpes does not cause any greenish discharge. He obviously had something else (is that chlymidia that does that?) for which I hope he’s been treated.

I was pretty put off by the tone of response to the first letter too. Yes, she should probably remove herself from the situation for her own mental protection, but saying she’s just involved because she just “loves drama” or “is lonely”? What about maybe she just cares for her friend? Or she’s having PTSD from seeing

I admit I’m not a fan of Jane Marie personally (not since the reactions to her articles about flying with her daughter or trying to get a neck tattoo), so I’m biased, but I have to agree with you here. This was really not very good advice.

So glad to see this comment. Because ouch, that response was awful and insensitive and really judgmental.

The advice to LW1 is spot on. Remove yourself from the situation, stat.

I had to look it up because I don’t know much about the Statue of Liberty. So Lazarus wrote the poem as part of a fundraising effort for the statue, and a bronze tablet was added in 1903 (statue having been completed in 1886). The poem was written specifically for the statue, and the state of New York felt that it was

I think that there is a lot of oxygen expended on a minuscule portion of the population.

Megan, you are making me Team Pentatonix! Is this what you want? Is this your end goal?! The more hate that pours out from Jezzie towards them, the more I feel the need to defend their little earnest selves. It’s a vicious cycle that must be broken.