I swear, these “war hero, principled man” people have never bothered to follow the man’s life and career.
I swear, these “war hero, principled man” people have never bothered to follow the man’s life and career.
His cancer has a survival rate of 3%. He won’t run again because he won’t be alive to do so.
He’s got a shit tonne more to lose if one of the last things he does is make life infinitely more miserable and dangerous for American citizens. He may not have to answer to his party or his constituents much longer, but he will definitely have to answer to the higher power he seems to invoke when it comes to trying…
His status of course is from his experience as a POW, which is certainly tragic. More tragic of course is that he has used this unassailable history to beat the drums for countless wars over the past thirty years. There’s not a third world country McCain hasn’t enthusiastically wanted to bomb since he joined the…
Forget running again. He just got reelected so there’s no way he’s making it to his next election. With a glioblastoma he’ll be incredibly lucky if he lives to see the midterm elections in 2018. Almost nobody with this type of cancer is alive five years later, especially not an 80-year-old man with whose already…
Agreed. It is mind boggling that a guy that probably should have gone to jail as one of the Keating Five is seen as The Moral Center of the Senate now.
John McCain never was a “Maverick”. He’s a corrupt GOP hack who only got labeled as such because he knew how to play the chummy press game better than anyone. He has always been petty and vindictive on a personal level, and there isn’t a core principal he wouldn’t abandon for his own gain.
Sadly, that would not help. In Arizona, replacements are appointed, not voted in. That maniac Jan Brewer would just have appointed a bigger asshole to replace him.
I am afraid you are 100 percent correct. He is more than happy to deny to others what he receives on their dime.
Senator McCain, now is your time to shine.
I think most people sympathize with them. I am saying I empathize. I have no trouble understanding exactly why they behaved just as they did, and I don’t have much trouble envisioning myself behaving in a similar way. I would hope I wouldn’t. But I can’t bring myself to judge them harshly for responding irrationally…
Hopefully, you will never find yourself in the position of having to accept the reality that the child you or your partner carried needed to be let go. Obviously, I don’t believe they’ve been making the best decisions for him or for themselves, but as a parent myself, I don’t have any trouble empathizing with their…
I try not to judge them too harshly. What they are going through is so, so painful, and I can understand at least a little that they don’t want to let go, no matter what the doctors say. That said, they needed to face reality, and sooner than now.
Best cat I ever had, and I’ve had many in my lifetime, was a big fluffy ginger boy named Sampson. Sweetest kitty ever, who was a gabby boy, and had the loudest purr ever. He carried his big fluffy tail like a banner and loved us all, including a series of uncouth dogs. He lived a great life, and died at the age of 16,…
Rumor has it that Denali has had some unpublicized meetings with dogs, yes, I mean canines. Photos online have also revealed Denali to be a prolific trophy hunter with snaps of him with the Murphy’s dead parrot and the Johnson’s deceased Guinea pig (who wandered out of the yard into non protected lands).
It’s something like 3 out of 4 ginger cats, who are male (not sure if it works out to exactly this math). The colour genes (black, ginger, and their mutations and dilutions) are carried on the X chromosome, and don’t skip generations. So the mom has to be at least part ginger, and the dad has to be ginger, to produce…
Sometime in the future when Denali runs for president
Thanks Instagram for that very flattering photo of your mayor. OK, I’m just jelly because a 20 yr. old cat can pull that off:/
Well, if litter on your toes is a sign of wisdom, my Tiger is the Chosen One. He spends his days waiting in my chair for me to return, and his nights curled up against my thigh. He would be a benevolent ruler, as long as his meals are delivered promptly.