I would love Jezebel 1000% times more if they would drop the posts on d list jerkoffs that no one gives a shit about.
I would love Jezebel 1000% times more if they would drop the posts on d list jerkoffs that no one gives a shit about.
Glad to know that women being murdered by their abusers is a-ok by you. You’ve shown your true colors and obviously, engaging with you will just result in more sanctimonious screeds about how it’s ok that OJ almost decapitated his ex wife because other people get acquitted of murders, that they too have committed, a…
It’s totally possible to be horrified by the murders of black people by police officers and still be upset that a man who stalked and tortured his ex wife before murdering her, is free. You can be horrified by multiple things at the same time.
I thought the same thing. It was clear he wasn’t remorseful and he didn’t go to the AA meetings like he told the one parole board member he would. I thought it was not going his way.
Because they stole memorabilia he was selling for cash on the down low to avoid paying Ron Goldman’s family?
I’m sure Trump will invite him golfing.
I listed above (below? Kinja, go figure) various inevitably lucrative moves to expect - which will get him back in (at least moderate) graces fairly quickly. Yours is a perfect one, because of the decades -long connection and because Kris Kardashian has no moral compass when it comes to a lucrative scheme; so he…
His pension from his years playing in the NFL. The victims’ families can’t touch that. Also, OJ was sneakily earning money that he hid from the Goldmans and Browns.
Now he can continue his hunt for the real killer of Nicole and Ron who, if OJ’s earlier efforts are any indication, is hiding out on one of the finer golf courses in the country.
He has a pension worth millions that the Goldman and Brown families can’t touch.
It surprised me. I had money on them finding a way to deny him it, and the way he behaved during his hearing I thought that was going to be a sure thing.
Yeah, she’s mostly harmless but it’s a little gross how Jez writers find this woman so charming and wonderful.
Not to be a profound square but this woman is a thief, is likely a kleptomaniac and should probably be in jail or treatment or both.
I thought it was dementia, but the tumor makes sense. Poor guy. At least he has health insurance....
That’s what I’m thinking. Now I feel bad for laughing at him.
As much as I dislike McCain, I’m sorry to hear about that. Cancer sucks. And from what I’ve read, this is the sort of cancer with a pretty low survival rate.
Could this explain his strange questioning during the Comey hearing?
No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.
Alright. Let me make it simple. There are people that purposefully take advantage of older people, offering them terrible deals on refinancing their houses, offering mortgage scams...there are also people who take advantage of the desperate offering “payday loans” with ridiculously high interest rates.
I worked at Neiman Marcus on Michigan Avenue about ten years ago, and R. Kelly always brought young girls in to have their makeup done by a specific makeup artist, because she loved bragging about having R.Kelly as a “client” and didn’t ask questions. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating that he’s been exploiting young…