That’s a pretty stupid law. What if she only discovered these items were missing when she heard about the auction?
That’s a pretty stupid law. What if she only discovered these items were missing when she heard about the auction?
If Madonna says this stuff is fake then Lutz won’t get money for them but Madonna wouldn’t get the items back either. Why would she give up her love letters when she can get them back and hopefully, get this thief arrested?
And no one just gives away handwritten letters from a tragically deceased ex boyfriend.
...and how the hell does someone else’s dirty underwear become your “legal property?” There is not enough Uuuuurgh in the world...
This is why I believe Madonna. Why would she give letters away? It’s not like they take up space. And I would hope she didn’t give dirty underwear to a friend.
If Madonna didn’t know this woman the ‘I found this stuff in the trash’ explanation might-by some incredible long shot-hold water but since she does, the onus is on Lutz to prove she was given these items.
My son is one of those stuck at home adults- but at least he does do a few things here and there whereas his sister does not.
You’re welcome, but that was three years ago. I’m sorry I confused you I was thinking of her as being a mother-to-be when we were having the baby shower. Her son is a toddler now. Very cute and very healthy. :D She’s been back at work since he was three months old and is also in good health. She’d faced so many…
Exactly. Marriage isn’t the be all and end all and it isn’t necessarily forever either. Case in point, the mother-to-be is someone who’d had her marriage fall apart due to fertility problems.
If you want to wish a mother to be anything but hearty congratulations and hopes for happiness and health for all concerned, keep your face shut, Facebookers!
Mine too- no kids under age 14 but I do have 3 hairy toddler like creatures that are living life like an endless sofa eating party.
Ha! There was that debate at work. Some said we shouldn’t have a baby shower for an unwed colleague because it might embarrass her. How would that happen to someone who proudly wore a baby-on-board tee to spread the news? We had the shower.
I am very sorry for your loss. It sounds like you might want to write-off your cousin, at least for a while? You don’t have to have toxic people in your life. Take care of yourself!
So sorry to hear about your parents. All the internet hugs and love for you!
Everything about that seems awful. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Omg so I’ll give a real-life, recent example.
It is truly the worst hashtag ever. It is the most humblebraggy of the humblebrags.
Maybe it’s my current life circumstances, but I hate the hashtag “blessed” with the fire of a thousand suns.
God I can’t believe how much my house looks like this.. drownings amidst a four year old and 1.5 year old. Drowning in goldfish and graham cracker crumbs.
As opposed to the completely predictable surprise, I suppose? Who knows, man. Since late 2016, up is down and right is left. Apparently words no longer mean what we think they mean.