
No, if you can’t call your parents without his permission, that’s beyond simple kink.

Remi Malek is excellent and I’m a huge fan. He will do a great job.

Actually, yeah. Think about it: We already know that this is most likely a teenage girl who lives in Pittsburgh, has a summer birthday (which hasn’t arrived yet), has a friend or family member named Zoe, has enough money to buy 7 bikinis and a pair of Ray-Bans, spends a lot of time outside of parental supervision,

I immediately guessed this person was between 12 and 14. It made me so sad because she’s already willingly objectifying herself for boys. It just reminded me of that Dook student’s powerpoint that said more about how little she thought of herself than how transgressive and feminist she was.

Yeah. It sucks that Jezebel published this. Sucks.

Yeah. As amusing as we can all find it, I think there’s something deeply unethical about posting it. I could see somebody making the argument that it borders on cyberbullying.

I find the juxtaposition of “have sex” and “give 2 blow jobs” with “eat cotton candy” and “have a lemonade stand” to be a little heartbreaking. She is still just a kid.

And tons of men buy $300 jerseys without blinking an eye. A dress that is made to order and probably has a ton of lace, sequins, pearls, etc. sewn on it is going to cost more than a t-shirt. Surprise!

I didn’t pick up my wedding dress until the week before my wedding. If you’re going the traditional boutique route (which I did more for my mom than anybody else), it will likely be more than a couple hundred bucks and you are scrambling to find something in your budget and in a hurry. I know plenty of women who found

Instead of buying a wedding dress, go to Disneyland.

They are paying for the experience THEY want.

Right. If they were taking orders for iPads and not delivering then no one would question it. But it’s something that is important to women, so it’s stupid and everyone has to chime in to decide what these women’s priorities should be.

You made your sister’s wedding dress?! That’s so cool!!! Do you have any pics you’d be willing to share?

How expensive can some of these dresses be? If you’re out a few hundred bucks and some time, that sucks but it’s not a disaster.

Right? Whether the specific instance is something you approve of or not, if you can’t empathize with someone paying money for a good or service and then receiving no goods and no services and having their money literally disappear with no accountability and through no fault of their own, then you’ve got bigger

It’s not just the cost of the dress - it’s also the fact that they are almost always made-to-measure (you pick out the dress you like which is then altered to fit your measurements exactly) or heavily altered both for fit and for taste (you can often get the peripherals of the dress like sleeves, sashes, and other

They got fucked over and that’s never ok no matter how much money you’re spending on something deemed frivolous by people whose opinions don’t matter.

They choose to spend their money however they want. I lost a shit ton of money and the whole saga was on Gawker. I was subjected (I was quoted from a news source) to a lot of people telling me how stupid I was and how they would have spent that money. It didn’t make me feel better and in fact, made me feel actively

I mean...I’m very anti-weddings myself, and find lavish, expensive weddings terribly passé...but even I can empathize with the stress and disappointment of paying hundreds of dollars for something and getting the shaft.

I don’t know how much these dresses cost, but a few hundred bucks is a lot of money to literally millions of Americans.