This was an uncomfortable read, to say the least. Like all the other not totally cruel people on here, I’m sorry that you’re a real human being who is going to get the very real feedback that this piece/your life situation is terrible. Yikes.
This was an uncomfortable read, to say the least. Like all the other not totally cruel people on here, I’m sorry that you’re a real human being who is going to get the very real feedback that this piece/your life situation is terrible. Yikes.
Yeah. This isn’t interesting and probably suited for Facebook than a feminist website that focuses on politics, social and women’s issues, and the occasional pop culture story. There’s nothing to learn from this except having an unhealthy obsession for someone from middle school (!) occasionally pays off, maybe,…
At least a piece on a first period will be written by an adult that likely has a decade between the experience and themselves presently. This is just a recipe for an early divorce with kids caught in the crossfire.
holy smugness.
If the roles were reversed here, that’s what it would have been. The behavior she describes is well-known to women everywhere, and they universally call it creepy when it’s a man doing it.
Particularly the lookit-my-engagement-ring-LOOKIT photo.
Glad someone else said it first.
This might be odd, but my burning question is “did she date other people too?”
it’s not that she ended up with a guy she liked as a kid... it’s that she quite literally obsessed over him for years and even thinks on some level this is some “revenge” to girls that laughed at her or something. That’s pretty creepy. Lifetime movie creepy. Your story is much different, and much more normal.
My takeaway too. Yeah, that’s how a guy will win me, by saying “After dating a bunch of assholes I realized you were better than I thought.”
Yeah it really lost me at the we just graduated college and bought a house bit.
For a minute I thought I was reading a pitch for My Best Friend’s Wedding, until I got to the part where you haven’t even graduated college yet, and then I realized I’d been reading something incredibly dumb.
I know. I am so confused. This “piece”is horrible..... Don’t forget that it’s about privileged young white people. Snooze fest. If I wanted to read Nicholas Sparks, I would.
Maybe the twist is that this actually happened in 1960 and they’ve been married for 50 years!
Yeah, this boring-but-smug bullshit about waiting around for some guy and imagining the thoughts of the girls who laughed at you in middle school or whatever gets to be on the same website that has posts celebrating genius mathematicians who just died? Jezebel, please choose more wisely. This is stupidity.
Up until the point where it worked out, this sounded eerily similar to all those friendzone stories that we all say are so sad and pathetic.
My thoughts as well. Is Jezebel becoming the next XO Jane?
Brian later told me that it took dating a few other people to realize how badly he got treated by them, and how I was the one he always went to.
So Brian is awesome with a dick like a python....but... and I hate to interrupt you... can Jez get its own thread on the new Dr Who? This is like... a Massive Lady Event... IT’S BEEN 52 YEARS.