Hey, since when are you Grey?
Hey, since when are you Grey?
IKR! Looked at this picture zoomed out and thought, “oh god those poor children are not sa—oh, it’s the Obamas. All is well.”
Remember when Girl Scouts could camp on the White House lawn without fear of sexual predation? *sigh*
That is until Trump defunds Federal programs to help homeless people and the Red States follow on a more local level.
THIS is my America.
He looks so casual about it in the video above. Like “dude, you sexist piece of shit, but I’m gonna be chill and support all amazing tennis players. Chill with that nonsense”.
*looks unamused* God bless that caption.
I had no idea who this tennis player was before this but now I’m in love :heart-eyes:
#1 I have had a super crush on Andy Murray forever. I don’t know why. But now I love him more.
He seems like a good egg. And a serious fan of the Williams sisters.
“Yes. You were a worthless, ugly, piece of shit before we Frankenhoneyed you. Now, WE made you beautiful and valuable with OUR hard work, you lucky, formerly hideous beast.”
You point out a real flaw in the design of the weight loss program.
You’re not a hypocrite, unless you think losing weight is bad in principle. It’s possible to hate on the show’s model (which SUCKS) and still want to lose weight the rational way.
So you’re saying the minimum-wage is too low and needs to be raised? If an American is doing the job the employer is legally required to pay the minimum-wage, Because that sure isn’t the current GOP narrative.
Continued after more research: North Carolina had an unemployment right around 10.2% for the entire 2011 year. With a population of 9.651 million there should have been 984,402 legal Americans applying for these 6,500 jobs (according to conservative logic because “illegals” are “stealing our jobs”). Where were the…
Undocumented immigrants aren’t stealing our jobs, they are doing the jobs Americans don’t want to do.
Says the guy that was triggered by the OP and had to reply.
In 2011, North Carolina needed 6,500 farm workers. Only 268 legal Americans applied, 245 were hired, but only 163 showed up the fist day of work. At the end of the growing season only 7 were left.
Look here! I wasn’t born in this country just so some loser who chose not to be born here could spend years and potentially risk their lives trying to come over here and clean my cubicle at 2:00am to send a few dollars to their sick and starving family they had to leave behind. Build that wall!
look, its about time some of these lucrative immigrant jobs became accessible to white people, such as cleaning human shit out of parking garages at 2am, and shoveling in the hot sun for 10 hours a day.