
I can’t wait till the day till I get my pilot’s license and fly my own plane

Look, the headline is purely snark and grocery shopping frustration, but you raise a good point. According to the CDC, food-borne illness has increased. But I also think awareness and connectivity (social media, etc.) are a factor in connecting the dots to identify an outbreak. 

Malibu Pylon didn’t kill himself

Are you the one who leaves the big-ass scuff marks on all the drive-thru walls? 

Having a large car isn’t a free pass to run shit over. Don’t get something bigger than you can handle and keep control of your vehicle. It’s that simple.
Did he cause any real damage? Not really. But he still should have better control and be more careful. He was doing  PR stunt taking it out, and he fucked it up.

Eh I think both can be true. Andrew’s extravagance has always been an issue. The appeal of having men like Epstein as friends wasn’t just the girls it granted him access to, but that he couldn’t live the lifestyle he wanted with on his own income/allowance/whatever and relied on billionaire friends to subsidize it. If

While Opal’s great my favourite is Melony (Shield elusive gym leader so any Sword players will have missed her). The Pokemon games have always been pretty good for representation, but as with most games notable female characters are either children, old women or (mostly) 20 year olds with supermodel figures.

It was all EU stuff. He never really did anything other than track Han and Leia to Bespin in the movies. It wasn’t until the Dark Horse comic series Dark Empire that he actually said more than 5 words. Due to his magic armor he was “un-digestable” to the Sarlac and he escaped being eaten.

I seem to recall Filoni firmly establishing in Rebels (To say nothing of EU content) that Mandalorians are notoriously skeptical of outsiders. Bluntly speaking he probably doesn’t see the New Republic as all that different than the Empire.

Oh yeah, I asked Naren about this. Can’t share anything just yet, but let’s just say your mind’s in the right place ;).

Ya don’t have to do residency to be an engineer bro, this isn’t the medical field. Source: am engineer and never did a residency.

He took the same calculus and diff eq as any other engineer...not that this is particularly complex math. What does his experience have to do with basic geometry and vectors?

This ain’t it, chief.

Ok Boomer.

Porgs were a blatant attempt to sell merchandise. Baby Yoda is integral to the plot(and also far, far cuter). There is no comparison.

They mention postponing, not cancelling, and are explaining the guy in question was to be a prominent part of the promotion of the movie. I assume they need to entirely rethink and re-produce their promotional strategy, which takes time.

I think the real question is why are we not

  • 1. Voice your concern

I would absolutely pay to go see the weird superhero art film that is 50% finished movie, 25% people doing voice-overs to storyboards, and 25% cut-ins of Zach Snyder describing in detail what the he wanted to do in this part here, while at the same time explaining why, yes, actually Superman WOULD fuck your mom if he