
Because every website and Facebook acquaintance you have is posting links to the settlement website screaming “Get your free $125!” and ruining it for the rest of us, lol

The “opt out” nature is literally the point of class-actions. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult to budget for compensation from a mass-tort event because they might end up being sued by 10,000 different parties in 1,000 different jurisdictions for the same event. In that sense, class actions are very company

Please note that this:

oh yeah dude. huge oversight on my part not including a lengthy aside disavowing ariana grande in this post. I'll get right on that 

You can also send a letter that says you object to the settlement all together.

So there should be no repercussions for reprehensible behaviour, no matter how uncomfortable it may make coworkers when they learn of it? That sends an even worse message. “Abuse people as much as you want. You get to keep your career, after all!”

This is a really shitty take

The bus actually isn’t that far off the main road, but you need a modicum of navigational and wilderness skills to reach it, not a misplaced sense of 19th century Romanticism.

These kinds of people need to hit rock bottom before they’ll even think about reforming, if they ever do.

I suspect he doesn’t include “serial abuser” on his resume. 

I feel disappointed that the Monopoly doesn’t have a two sided board, one with only locations from our world and the other with the corresponding locations in the Upsidedown...

There are lots of reasons to hate credit card companies, but banks have data breaches just as often, so I don’t think that avoiding credit cards makes your identity any more secure

It’s just that now instead of casting aside that difference in the hope of co-operation with humanity, they’re simply asking them to deal with it.

The things we could accomplish if the money we waste on war and oppression was instead spent on education and science would make Star Trek look like a dystopia in comparison.

I think this is a great place to start! The game does a very good job of tutorializing, so that you don’t feel like your hand is being held, but you do have a chance to master concepts before moving on. There’s also a lot of very, very thorough guides which are accessible in the system menu. Because it’s a self

There’s no second means of egress. That’s a fire code violation. 

Gorgeous! No wonder the Sacksville Baggins want it so bad.

It’s been decades since I was this excited about new comics. I started reading X-Men as a kid back in the 70's. Starting before I was even old enough to legally work, I was working in a comic shop (paid in trade til I was 15 and could get a work permit) where I spent most of the 80's smack dab in the middle of what I

Yes, finally! Okay, here goes: