
Saab . . . prices are insanely low for what you get

has anyone ever got sent a dick pic of a softy? Like ever?


I legit have the Creator city sets (pet shop, movie theater, cafe, etc.) on my fireplace mantle.

Sorry Luigi.

No. This is the Wrong Take.

Stardock has begun selling Star Control: Origins directly from its website

Offer + acceptance + consideration = contract

Except everyone west of Boston and north of Mobile pronounces so-called “French” names like they’re supposed to be pronounced. (Source: I have family from Versailles, MO and it is definitely pronounced Ver-Sayles.)

can learn the process/get a gate code

Sugar Ray and Maroon5 opened for Matchbox 20 back in like 2003 or something. I was there. It was glorious.

It’s not “harming a child,” it’s “acting in a way potentially injurious to a child,” and they’re doubling up on saying resisting arrest with a child in your hands puts the child in danger.

Not to be “that guy” but only because I have this saved from my own curiosity the other day:

landfill in 6 months

student section’s Harlem Shake video

My favorite part is how the Washington Examiner felt compelled to publish this “well, actually” Op-Ed.

I am hoping it is just one person with out-of-the-gray power starring all the comments they agree with. Because I have a hard time believing there are that many people who honestly think putting your hands under a woman’s clothing without permission is just an “awkward interaction.”

come across as, at worst, awkward interactions

these accusations seem flimsy at best.

My mom has been clumping around in a newish Tuscon, and I enjoy borrowing it when I visit but I have been drooling over the Kona as a replacement for my RAV4 that is currently on its very. last. leg. Right size, right price, right style.